I hope you're doing so well! I hope things are feeling Lighter and more effortlessly in flow for you too!
Shifts for Good
I experienced a dramatic shift this weekend. Almost as if a new portal was opened to greater Spiritual support. I experienced synchronicities like I haven't in years. A greater closeness with Spirit/God/Love in such a comforting and powerful way.
I do believe that the immense challenges on the planet at this time, are for us, and are in the sweetest, most subtle way: begging us to turn within.
We are being called within: to that direct inner connection we have to Spirit/God/Love. We are being called within to find our direction, to find our truth, to find our comfort, to find perhaps... everything.
You are invited to join our Alignment Calls
If you relate, and you're also on your own unique and unfolding adventure of awakening more fully to who you are within, I think you'll love spending an hour with a small group of people, that we are currently calling: an Alignment Call.
But if you'd like to experience community, compassion and even more Courage and Clarity (because that's what we receive when we come together) join us on Mondays at 9:30am.
From August 1st, these events will all be run through the Allowing.Love™ Foundation. A non-profit we are creating to support anyone in the world learn the skills of compassion, courage and co-creation. There are multiple epidemics going on right now, and we believe that Self-Compassion, Self-Love and Self-Awareness and the answer to them all.
So as of August 1st, everyone will still be able to attend our Live Online events free. And if you are called, you can donate $7/month, for access to our online guides AND our online events. These donations will be tax deductible. And all funds raised will go directly to helping people who do not have the privelege or finances to do this inner work.
Every Monday @ 9:30am Pacific
So join us today or any other Monday, to connect with other stunning humans & Souls awakening more fully to the Love, courage and compassion that they are.
Currently they're very small calls, and you can either be partnered with someone else to do this process, or you can do it on your own.
We take group sharing and it's courageous and inspiring. But you also don't need to say anything. You can just join us and observe.
The actual process takes about 30 minutes, and then we usually have sharing for 30-60 minutes!
Or Do the Alignment Process on Your Own
If the timezone doesn't work, or you'd prefer to do this exercise of Alignment on your own: you can do it below!
One Clear Intention
A Step by Step Experience for Receiving Spiritual Support and Clarity and Courage for the week ahead!
The 7 Questions for Spiritual Alignment and Receiving Your One Clear Intention
- Ask a beautiful being of Light* to be with you, and to share with
you. You can close your eyes just now, take your time, and
when you’re ready, tell me who’s in front of you. - You now have an opportunity to ask this being of Light a
question for support and guidance. Ask your question out-loud. - Allow this being to answer you... either inwardly in silence, or
out-loud. Let me know when you’re complete. - This being now has a beautiful inner experience it would like
you to have. It will use your imagination to give you a gift,
experience, or reference point... take your time and receive it
fully. When you’re complete, you can share what you received. - What is the clear message your being of Light wants you to
know? - What is your one clear intention for this coming week?
- What next steps will support you in living this clear intention
this week?
*A 'Being of Light'
In Allowing.Love™ we often dialogue with a 'Being of Light'. It is a simple and powerful way to access your own inner knowing and clarity.
Trust whoever / whatever shows up for you. Just close your eyes, ask for the being of Light that will support you for the Highest Good.
It can seem like you're making it up... that's ok!
A 'Being of Light' might be...
Your High Self • Your 7 year old Self • A Great Arch Angel • An Inner Guide • Someone you know and love that is alive, or has passed over • A fictitious character like Moana or Yoda • A Spiritual Teacher or Figure
Our intention is not to channel, but to receive a clear direct connection to our Highest Good: God, Source, Love; within.

Now. More than ever, our intention needs to be Love.
Let's support and inspire each other to let go of the lower, material motivations of this life, and truly show up to be the Love, the Light, the Courage that this world needs right now!
I'm excited. Excited to step more fully into my power. And I can't wait to see what lies around the corner, hand in hand with you, and all those that are called.
I Love You.
I shared this on the weekend. Check it out if it calls to you. I also linked the podcast I referred to below.