The Closest Thing to a Magic Wand in This Life…
Is a heart full of gratitude.
Finding joy and abundance in the present moment can be challenging when we also experience feelings of lack and despair.
It may require some extra time and curiosity, but we can always discover fullness in the present moment.
And really, this is the key. Experiencing what you have now as FULL is the magic trick for receiving MORE. But to do this effectively, we need to find the ‘Heart’ and ‘Frequency’ of what we REALLY want.
OK, let’s unpack this.

It’s Easy to Fall into the Illusion of Materiality. Right?
It’s so easy, when we’re surrounded by the media, movies and a world obsessed with material madness, to buy into the illusion that this is what makes us happy.
But our fullness and happiness does NOT, and will NEVER come from the material world.
Happiness and all that is meaningful in this life comes from love, from connection, from a greater meaning and purpose.

The Sages Through the Ages Agree: This is the Key to Abundance.
The only reason we want anything is because of how we think we’ll feel once we get it, often without even realizing it.
Sometimes we want money or possessions to feel safe and secure.
Sometimes we seek a partner or more friends to feel lovable and loved.
No matter what we desire, it’s motivated by an inner experience, a frequency.
By shifting your perspective and focus, you can experience that your LIFE is already FULL of that frequency RIGHT NOW.