It's Time to Move
on What Matters Most!
Care more about HOW you move.
Care less about WHAT you do to make your move.
Quantum mechanics shows us that the energy we move with, matters more than the actual actions we take.
For example it doesn’t really matter if you choose to go to Hawaii, or Alaska – what matters is the vibration you hold within you.
Consider to be successful in creating a business – it matters less if you do email marketing or SEO – what matters is your authentic energy and the vibration of what you’re doing.
Recent quantum research suggests that focusing MORE on HOW we move forward in life, yields better results.

1 minute for A Higher Frequency Today!
If you could feel one way today – how would you describe the feeling? Now just feel that – charge your battery with that – for AT LEAST 1 minute.
Our Ego and Mind Fight This Approach.
Is your mind telling you this is ridiculous. That it matters more making the ‘right’, ‘proper’ and maybe even ‘perfect’ moves to be successful or to get where you want in life.
However Physician, Author & Quantum Researcher Dr. Joe Dispenza emphasizes the importance of accessing the heart's intelligence by cultivating elevated emotions like gratitude and love. By creating heart coherence, individuals can move forward in more meaningful and successful ways.
By focusing more on the energy and emotion we’re moving forward with, we allow greater synchronicity and momentum.

Here’s How to Move Forward, Says Science.
Dispenza’s research since 2013 has focused on understanding how the heart plays a role in making us feel good and changing for the better.
Even though these good feelings are usually linked to what's happening around us, studies have found that we can actually control how we feel inside regardless of what's going on outside. And this is the key for moving forward.
To create a better future, we need to match our clear goals from the brain with those warm, fuzzy emotions from the heart. This combo can give us a boost and totally shift our energy, transforming our lives from being stuck in the past to looking forward.
When we blend our goals with our emotions, we stop letting things around us rule our lives. Instead, we start crafting our very own new reality.

Your Sacred Manifestation Workout 💪
Focusing on the Energy of Our Personal Success
- First, relax, get comfy, and ask for Your Highest Good.
- Ask yourself: What do I want? More than anything? If I knew it were GUARANTEED what would I ask the Universe for right now? Write down at least 10 things. And include at least one in each of the areas of: Health, Career or Service, Relationships, Play.
- Now next to each one of these 10 things + – write down how you imagine you will feel if you receive it completely. Use all your senses to imagine you experiencing you HAVING what you want right now. And write down that feeling or frequency for each thing you want.
- Do you notice any themes? What are you aware of wanting to feel and experience? What’s the theme of the frequency that you both want to feel in this life – but this is ALSO the frequency that will help you MANIFEST whatever you want most.
- Define your key frequency. What words or small phrase best describe your most powerful inner feeling: your frequency? Write it down.
- Charge your energy field with your frequency for at least 17 seconds continuously. You might get distracted. No worries! Just keep coming back and focusing on and experiencing your frequency.

It's Beta with You Here 🤣
Thanks for being here. Please give us all feedback here. You are gonna run into glitches and things that need to be improved. Please let us know your ideas, suggestions and how it's working for you.
Submit Your Feedback • Ask a QuestionI used to care so much about doing the ‘right’ and ‘proper’ thing, that I was worried, miserable, and held myself back by playing small and unsure.
It’s taken YEARS to help me trust and live more fully in my heart – but I can hands down share that it’s much more fun and much MORE SUCCESSFUL.
It’s not a magic pill though. Even though sometimes it does sound like it.
But it takes great self-love, patience and self-acceptance to let go of focusing on doing the ‘right’ thing, being ‘good enough’, and living life for other people.
But as we keep expanding little by little into giving ourselves the freedom and permission to enjoy this life, and to do what truly brings us joy, it’s wild to see how big, and brave and bold we become!
Sometimes I can’t believe so many of the outcomes I have been blessed with in my life – but I KNOW there is a clear correlation between the love and gratitude in my heart.
Trust YOUR heart. Live this day for you, SO YOU CAN be of greater loving service to the world around you.
We love you! Dr. Zoë and Fenix xoxoox
[ 🚨 Beta Program Alert]
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The 5-Steps for Spiritual Manifestation

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