Self-Courage, over Self-Confidence 😎

Discover the power of self-courage and why it surpasses self-confidence in unlocking your true potential. Unleash your inner strength and align with your purpose for a fulfilling life.
Self-Courage, over Self-Confidence 😎

Today, I want to share a powerful tip on how we can improve our relationship with ourselves, our self-talk and our courage and enthusiasm for life.

Self-confidence can be fleeting, relying on external circumstances to feel good about ourselves. On the other hand, self-courage grows gradually and is fueled by our inner strength and love.

Furthermore, I will provide a simple 4-step process to transform your self-talk from self-criticism to self-courage. This will take you beyond self-confidence and into a place I call radical self-courage.

In popular culture, self-esteem and self-confidence have held significance since the 80s. Feeling accomplished and successful in life has been highly valued. However, times have changed. The focus has shifted from material success and achievements to love, compassion, and community.

Many of my clients initially express their desire for more self-confidence when we begin our work together. However, as our sessions progress, we delve deeper and expand beyond self-confidence, ultimately reaching the realm of self-courage.

I truly believe that self-confidence can only take you so far.

If you genuinely desire a life that aligns with your soul, heart, and compassion, it must be fueled by self-courage.

Self-confidence sounds like: "I look great, I'm prepared, I have everything together, and I'm going to succeed. I just know everyone will love me."

Self-courage sounds like: "I may feel like a mess and be unsure of what's happening, but I'm so clear and aligned with what I'm doing that I know I will soar. I know this is my purpose."

In 2023, we don't have the same luxury of time and resources as we did in 1983. Life moves quickly, and simply being prepared, knowledgeable, and organized is no longer enough. Life has become more unpredictable, with frequent job changes, career shifts, and the need to acquire new skills.

I personally think that self-confidence is sometimes overrated. If you are constantly waiting for the feeling of having everything figured out, you might find yourself waiting for a long time.

However, we have the ability to nurture our self-courage. This is the belief in ourselves and in our purpose on this planet, even when we feel anxious or like a mess. We can still pursue our true calling and genuinely enjoy our lives.

Today at 3pm PT, I will guide you through 4 simple steps to develop your self-courage.

And yes, you're absolutely right. It's not about having all the answers and waiting for perfection. It's about connecting with our true selves and embracing our purpose on this planet in the present moment.

Join me at 3pm, or feel free to come back later and check out the recording.

I've got something really cool to share - a simple perspective shift that will help you live with greater self-courage.

We're also going to dive into a 4-step process that will help you cultivate self-talk that promotes self-courage.

I'll make sure to share the recording right here!

Oh, and by the way, we've got a new call link for you to use!

It’s free. And absolutely everyone is welcomed and invited.

I love you.


👋🏼 Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Join us for our Free Rewiring Meditation Every Thursday! Every Thursday we clear karma and rewire our neural pathways together in a LIVE meditation via Zoom: Join us at 10am here.
  2. Practice this 4-Step Process. This is the free guide I share with all of my clients, if you’re truly wanting to rewire patterns of fight, flight and freeze, back to Love: The Heart of Rewiring
  3. Work with me in 1on1: I am taking on two new clients starting in November. Join the waitlist now by scheduling a phone chat here.

Transform Your Self-Talk from Self-Criticism to Self-Courage

And Rewire Your Brain from Fight / Flight Back to Love

PLAY Video Recording via Youtube Podcast
About the author
Dr. Zoë Lumiere

Dr. Zoë Lumiere

Zoë supports human beings in rewiring: clearing the unconscious blocks holding them back from loving themselves and adoring their lives.

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