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Love heals.
Neuroscience proves it.
Dr. Zoë Lumiere combines spiritual psychology, trauma-informed somatic therapy, and spiritual gestalt therapy in a unique approach. Her work is deeply personal—rooted in her own self-healing and her experience helping thousands of clients tap into their inner healing power.
Love, compassion, and forgiveness can rewire the brain. They shift us out of fight-or-flight and dis-ease, guiding us back to balance and health.
Love and compassion aren’t just emotions—they are powerful forces for healing. They reshape the brain, calm the nervous system, and restore inner harmony.
Science confirms it: love is what heals.

Get Unstuck.
Zoë's approach uses various modalities that help you access the stuck energy and blocks in your nervous system and consciousness. This is NOT talk therapy. And it's NOT life coaching. It's vulnerably allowing our emotions and our body to express and release the resistance (judgment) of the past so that we can rewire and transform.
Zoë specializes in helping people overcome the deep blocks created by childhood trauma, sexual abuse, grief, and addiction.
She is not your typical practitioner. Her work isn’t just based on formal training—it comes from lived experience. She supports others from a place of deep personal understanding.
Zoë believes healing from trauma, abuse, and grief isn’t just possible—it’s proven. She has done it herself and has helped hundreds of clients do the same. That’s why she knows this work can transform your life from the inside out.
She doesn’t just hope you can heal. She knows you can.
- She knows you can move from an eating disorder to food freedom—because she has and has helped others do the same.
- She knows you can break free from trauma patterns, like being drawn to men who don’t love you—because she has and has supported dozens of clients in finding their person. She knows you can rewire your brain and choose healthy love and true partnership.
Your greatest struggles hold the keys to your path and purpose. But only if you have the courage to be vulnerable—to let go of control, perfection, and old survival patterns.
Healing is possible. Zoë knows it. And soon, so will you.

I Need You to Be Vulnerable with Me.
Shame, addiction, and trauma stay trapped when we stay silent, hide, and keep our walls up. If you're ready to let someone in—to let go, break down, and finally release it all—I can help you break free from the patterns and struggles that have been holding you back.
Qualifications & Experience
Zoë’s journey has been one of profound transformation and dedicated study.
She began her career in business, excelling as an award-winning Executive Recruiter in both Australia and Canada. Despite her financial success, she felt called to a deeper purpose. In 2003, she transitioned from the corporate sector to volunteer for her Spiritual Teacher, later joining a nonprofit organization focused on meditation and soul transcendence, where she worked for a decade.
Recognizing that spiritual study alone was not enough to resolve deep-seated patterns of self-worth struggles, unrequited love, and an eating disorder, Zoë pursued advanced education in healing and personal transformation. Her credentials include:
- Doctorate in Spiritual Science – Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (2011)
- Master’s in Spiritual Psychology – University of Santa Monica (2013)
- Advanced Training in Consciousness, Health & Healing – University of Santa Monica (2016)
But it's her clients that really shine the Light on her work.

"Zoë has helped me more than 10 years of shrinks, psychiatrists and psychologists. I stopped having panic attacks in about 3 weeks. I stopped looking for my answers and my motivations outside of myself, and rather started to focus on what experience, what feelings, what kind of inner life I wanted. It's done wonders for my health and releasing anxiety."
Joren Van Der Voort, Amsterdam
"Zoe is a profound gift to humanity and a very skilled coach. I've been able to do my deepest healing and work with her because of the space she holds, the intuition she uses while guiding and asking questions, and the presence she brings to each session and each workshop. If you are looking to heal, dissolve blocks, let go of painful patterns that are no longer working for you, I highly recommend Zoe to hold space for you and facilitate you through your healing!"
Julie Civiello Polier, Los Angeles
Somatic Pet Grief Specialist
Recently, my deep love for dogs—and the heartbreaking loss of a severely disabled puppy at just six months old—has led me to expand my healing work to pet grief support.
If you're currently grieving the loss of a pet and feel overwhelmed by the pain, I can help.
Though it’s not a widely shared view, I believe animals come into our lives to help us heal. Their most powerful period of healing support often begins after they transition across the Rainbow Bridge 🌈.
Through my work with many clients, I’ve proven what I once considered an unlikely theory: the deep, devastating grief we experience when we lose a soulmate animal is actually designed to help us heal and clear childhood trauma.
The beautiful part of this process is that, not only will you discover greater love and joy in your grief, but you will also reconnect with your Rainbow One 🌈—continuing to experience them as a guide, support, and forever friend.

Sessions and Scheduling
1on1 Sessions
Pet Grief Sessions
Couples Sessions
Chat with Zoë
1on1 Sessions
Healing Coaching (Rewiring) / Grief Support Session with Zoë
Via Zoom or In Person in Ojai [90 minutes]
$307/session • Invoiced via paypal after session
Pet Grief
/ Sliding Scale Session with Zoë
Via Zoom Only [Approximately 60 minutes]
$100 – $200 Sliding Scale • Invoiced via paypal after session
EMERGENCY* Per-Minute Session with Zoë
Via Zoom Only [15 - 60 minutes – you define]
$4-$6/minute Sliding Scale • Invoiced via paypal after session
*Emergency sessions are booked within 48 hours of session start time
12-Session Program with Zoë
A 12-month Program working 1on1 with Dr Zoe Lumiere, designed to rewire old patterns of lack, fear, insecurity, smallness and more
Via Zoom [90 minutes x 12 sessions]
$2,500 if Paid in Full [Or $250/month over 12 months]
Learn more about this unique, limited time program below
Committed Program Sessions with Zoë
Zoë works with clients addressing trauma, anxiety, depression and addiction in 24-session committed programs
Via Zoom or In Person in Ojai [90 minutes x 24 Sessions]
$6,600 [Payment Plans available over 6, 9 and 12 months]
Schedule a complimentary consult below to discuss your fit

Couples Sessions
Intuitive Healing & Rewiring for Couples with Zoë
Via Zoom or In Person in Ojai [90-120 minutes]
$377/session • Invoiced via paypal after session
Chat with Zoë
Explore your options and chat openly with Zoë.
Press, Other Inquiries
For any press-related or general inquiries, kindly reach out to my assistant via email.

Are my results guaranteed?
If you show up vulnerably with an open mind and an open heart, you will experience shifts and transformation. While we do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, this work is NOT focused on results. Working with Dr. Zoë is much less about RESULTS or physical world outcomes, and is much more about experience, peace of mind, happiness, genuine fulfillment, self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion. Yes this inner healing work does clear the blocks to the experiences that you would love in your life, but the experiences you REALLY want might not be the ones in your mind right now. I can't really guarantee any aspect of this work. I can however tell you that I have never had a client that has asked for a refund.
What does a typical session usually involve?
No session is ever the same and I do not follow a format or formula. I work intuitively and in response to you and your experience. I can let you know we will dive in along 2 parallel paths. The first path is your calling – what are those experience you want more of?! What dreams or desires would you love to receive more of in your life? We will spend time allowing your heart to clarify your life at this time. And the other parallel path is your challenges – where is the 💩 hitting the fan? It is in diving into the emotionally challenging moments in your life that we have the clearest, quickest and most graceful access to your karma and how to clear and release your addictions, patterns and blocks. You will have the opportunity to feel those challenges, and to the extent that you are able to be emotionally exposed and vulnerable, deeper healing and clearing may be available. We will conclude with the clear intentions for your life over the next week or month, including any clear next steps your heart wants you to follow through on. These intentions and next steps are emailed to you following your session.
Is it going to hurt?
LOL 😂 Great question. None of us want to hurt, feel pain or feel challenged. I get it. And depending on the experiences you might have suppressed earlier in your life, this work might be more joyful, Light and easy, or it might include moments of hurt feelings, grief and pain. What I can tell you is that at the heart of it all is more Love. And that if you don't resolve those repressed emotions they will affect you subconsciously in ways that create even more challenge, hurt and pain.
How long will it take me to fall in Love?
If you're talking about with yourself, I encourage you to see you're already in Love with yourself, and in just one session your experience of that will be much richer. And if you are looking to find your life partner, I encourage you to hold that as a clear, constant intention, but to focus on falling more fully in love with yourself.
What are your credentials?
I have a Doctorate in Spiritual Science [2011] from Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy and a Masters in Spiritual Psychology including an advanced concentration in Consciousness, Health & Healing [2013] from the University of Santa Monica. I also studied Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland in Australia, before abandoning the degree because of an inner conflict with the traditional Psychological perspective. I am also an ordained minister [2004] in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness and have been a spiritual counselor and workshop facilitator for 20+ years.
How long have you been in private practice?
I began my private practice in 2014, and have been working 1on1 and in groups with clients full-time since then.
Do I need to have a particular religious or spiritual belief system?
Yes. You need to be open to Love. If you are adamant that Love and Kindness does not exist, then my work might not be a great fit for you.
Is there anything else I should know?
My Mum died when I was 14 and I was sexually abused through my childhood. These experiences set me upon a path of self-destruction and addiction. What supports me in truly being able to hold space and walk others from limiting patterns and dysfunction to healing, happiness and inner freedom, is that I have intimately experienced the darkest corners of my own path. I didn't know that it was possible to completely overcome an eating disorder, because mental health professionals told me it was not possible, but I have overcome bulimia. And I have overcome drug addiction. I'm not saying that is possible for everyone, but it is possible. I'm also incredibly proud of my marriage, and it is a testament to the profound Love and Intimacy we are capable of when we choose to learn how to love and overcome traumatic and painful moments. I would walk every inch of my life over again if I had to, because the Love, Joy and Connectedness that I now have, is because of how much Love I have poured into myself in order to transform and release the pain, misunderstandings and misbeliefs from my past. This deep inner work is my life's work, and I adore it. I share this passion with my husband. And now even my dog is helping me share self-healing with the world.
If you have a question, please email Berna and she will support me in responding to you asap.
Email my AssistantFree
My Gifts for You: 🎁
Weekly Healing and Rewiring Email 💌
+ 4-Step Healing Guide ❤️🩹
And You Will Receive When You Sign Up:

I Adore Doing This Work.
Almost as much as I adore this guy... Fenix.
Pro Bono Sessions
Every week I gift at least one Pro Bono Session. Apply above to join the waiting list for a Pro Bono Session.
And though it should go without saying, my pro bono sessions are completely free of obligation and are just one of the ways I contribute to the community. If you're unable to afford working with Zoë but would like to have a complimentary session, feel free to apply above.