Remember everyone is welcome! And you can participate as much, or as little as you'd like to.
And if you've only got 30 seconds to align with Love right now, watch this...

On a personal note Eric is flying back to the States right now. OMG I'm so excited to have him home. He'll be with us on Thursday for our Compassion Meditation - including the 10-minute weekly snippet for podcast Rewiring [neurologically] Back into Love.
We'll share a little about why Compassion, why Now, and how it works for rewiring our neural pathways back to health and happiness. But most importantly we'll be diving into a deep and divine closed eye meditation for experiencing greater compassion, acceptance and love for ourselves, our people and all of life.
I love you.
I hope you're using the ups and downs of life to truly know and feel that you're alive! I am 😬 😍 😳 😄
I hope you're using each up, to charge the battery, to say thank you to life, to let go and throw your arms in the air and feel free and unlimited!
And I hope you're using some downs, some of the challenges that I know we are ALL going through right now, to be soft and slow and so incredibly kind with truly allow life to unpack for you the reason we are here... Love.
Ok. See some of you soon xoxo.