3 Habits

Master the 3 Habits for the Kind of Self-Love and Courage that Creates Our Highest Potential


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• 3 One-Hour Workshops for Mastering the 3 Habits for a Life You Adore
• Led by Dr. Zoë & Eric Lumiere

The 3 Habits are designed to:

• Anchor your Day in Your Heart  [instead of your Head]

• Receive Your Heartfelt Inner Guidance for Your Next Steps

• Access more Courage and Love for moving on What Matters Most

• Turn your Fear and Challenges into Fuel for Living Your Calling

Habit 1: Time in Love - Meditate. Dance. Sing. Draw. Yoga. Walk in Nature. Pat your Dog...
Habit 2: Live Your Love - We'll be using the 5 Steps to Awaken to the Experiences Our Heart Needs.
Habit 3:Love Your Challenges - Use your challenging moments as the gifts they are for clearing and clarity.
Great Job! Now Celebrate!!! Celebrate with compassion. Not your typical accountability approach!

We All Need Support.
And right now...
We need it More than Ever.

These are truly challenging times.
We are ALL being called into greater Love, compassion and courage right now.

More than ever we need community, connection and to cheerlead each other forward.

We are doing this workshop because We Need It. We are being inwardly called to focus more consistently on:
• the basics, the things we know that work
• on the energy we're starting our day with
• more Love and Compassion for ourselves

If you can relate...Join Us 🎉

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What we're all searching for...

is the Love Inside.

This Workshop will be a wonderful way to Learn and Master the 5 Steps of Allowing.Love™.

I started the 5 Steps to fall in Love, but I fell in Love with My Work...

and THEN My Husband!

Words cannot express how much my life has changed over 6 months. I found my man-friend. I am creating my own career around my gifts and what I love. And I’m happy. Happier than I thought was possible.

I’m now enjoying 5-figure months and my work is now sought after by new galleries and collectors. Honestly I still have moments where I am blown away by how all this transpired.

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Allow Love into Your Work AND Relationships!

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Life is Calling to Us to Let Go... and Allow Love.

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