If this is your first session with Dr. Zoë Lumiere please complete this Pre-Session Form to support you in getting the most out of your session.
I encourage you to show up fully in each session, which can often include:
⏰ Giving yourself enough time to feel relaxed and ready
💧 Have a glass of water, and some tissues available
🕯️ Lighting a candle can help to clear the energy in your space
🍎 Not being too hungry when we have our session
📱 Eliminating distractions, including silencing all devices
🎧 Let anyone in your vicinity know that you'd like not to be disturbed
Your Session Link
📹 The Zoom Link for your session will be emailed to you 1 day and 1 hour prior to your session.
Contact Us Anytime
💌 Email us anytime: support@allowinglove.org