Allowing, NOT Hustling.
It’s so very hard for me to put what "Allowing" is… in words, but I’m gonna try.
But first, a few of my friends Bruce, Eckhart and David 🤣 ... say it in their words.

Allowing is simply Letting Go and Allowing Love to lead
And that doesn’t mean do nothing and let life walk over you.
It means YOUR LIFE has been set up perfectly: so pay attention.
There are opportunities EVERYWHERE.
And your challenges are SHOWING YOU the way into new skills and more love, courage and compassion.
Undeniable and Life-Changing Reason #7 – Let Go (Relax) and Let Love (God)
A Sacred Morning Practice is THE best way I put Love, God, Source, my Soul in the driver’s seat of my life.
A Sacred Morning Practice is THE best key I have to abundance, success and enjoying life.
So keep leaning in and sign up here if you're called to.
Huge love and hugs, Zoë
And you can explore a brief description for what we’ll be covering in each of the 17 days below. Click to read descriptions here.