I don’t think I need to sell anyone on the importance and power of gratitude.
But how much do we use it?!
And are we using it to it’s full potential.
In many ways gratitude for your life just as it is right now, is the engine or battery for spiritual or conscious manifestation.
Spiritual Manifestation is NOT the Law of Attraction. It’s not through our ego defining what we want and then using tools of Magnetic Light to get what we ‘think’ we want.
Spiritual manifestation can be summarized in a 1-minute read as follows:
To practice spiritual manifestation, you live two experiences simultaneously.
It's creating balance and unity by embracing both your spiritual and human aspects simultaneously.
The first experience is complete gratitude for your life as it is right now. You elevate your perspective to a spiritual level where you can recognize that your life is already full. You realize that the love, joy, peace, and abundance you desire are already present in your life.
The second experience is about allowing, accepting, and flowing with the parts of your consciousness that are calling you towards more. These parts of your consciousness are seeking what's next for you. The key is to embrace and live in a way that acknowledges and fully experiences your life as already abundant. By doing so, you create space to allow and welcome what's next and more into your life, without creating a sense of lack.
Remember, the more fully you can experience your life as already full, the more effortlessly you can embrace and manifest what's next and more.
The key is to genuinely feel deep gratitude for the present moment.
We may understand this concept in our minds, but struggle to fully experience it in our hearts, bodies, and emotions.
I cannot fully explain this aspect, but following the Allowing.Love™ 5 steps in order helps me effortlessly experience gratitude for my life exactly as it is, with whole-heartedness and completeness, right now.
The 5 steps allow for the integration of these two experiences in a powerful experiential way.
I did not intentionally design them this way; they came to me intuitively. They simply appeared.
Having now incorporated these 5 steps into my morning routine, I am keenly aware of the impact they have on my consciousness, which is as follows:
They allow the part of me that is guiding me towards what's next or what's more to be embraced and allowed with beauty.
AND they enable me to experience that the essence or vibration of what I desire is already present within me: I already possess it right now.
It is in this experience of truly feeling the richness of that vibration that our ego aligns with our Soul's Source.
In this authentic spiritual alignment, it becomes impossible to ignore the fact that our life is completely on track. Everything is perfectly designed just as it is.
So, however, you can: Feel gratitude for your life just as it is right now.
The spiritual gurus will tell you that's key.

But I'm here to encourage you not to simply take their word for it, but to spend a little time each morning genuinely experiencing it for yourself.
Use the 5 Steps to start your day anchored in this Flow, this Grace, this alignment with your Life Force.
The free training for learning how to do them each morning is here.
And we experience this together in our Monday Morning Magic Calls. You can learn more about them here.
We Love You.
So much.
Zoe, Eric and Fenix xoxoox

☕ Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
- Join Us For Monday Morning Magic LIVE! We'll guide you through a process designed to give you a clear intention, your most important next steps, and all the energy, enthusiasm and love you need to have the best week ever.
- Practice the Allowing.Love™ 5 Steps! It’s a free training. Learn how to live your calling and clear your daily challenges with clear intuition and much more self-compassion.
- Work with me in 1on1: I can take on two new clients starting Next Month. Chat with me here to waitlist.