When the going gets tough, our ego gets going.
I hope being aware of these 3 patterns, and a profoundly Healing Alternative supports you today.
We’ll be recording another meditation for the YouTube Podcast: Rewiring (neurologically) Back to Love today at 9:30am. It will be a simple and sacred experience of allowing our own Healing Frequency fully. You can join us live here.
These 3 patterns hold us back from healing, when we need it the most
They apply to times when our emotions are intense and we feel challenged.
We can all be more aware of these 3 ego patterns and choose our powerful spiritual heart to heal and guide us instead.

Block #1: Fixing, solving, figuring it out.
We all do it. When faced with a challenge, instead of focusing on ourselves, we try to change something outside, hoping it will solve our internal struggle.
Next time you feel challenged, take a moment to breathe, feel, relax, and let go. Once you've dealt with the emotions holding you back, you may realize there's nothing to be done. And if there IS something that requires action, you'll be able to approach it with clarity and kindness.
Block #2: Spiritually bypassing feeling our humanity.
When we're upset, we may bypass our basic human needs and immediately cling to certain 'positive' thoughts or 'spiritual' aspirations.
Certainly, endeavor to embrace love and compassion, but be aware of whether you are seeking these qualities in your mind or in your heart.
Block #3: Comparing our challenges to the challenge of others.
We often convince ourselves that we are not worthy of love, support, and healing, ‘compared’ with what others are going through. Each of us is here to follow our own journey and to use our difficulties to grow in love and compassion. Therefore, do not believe that you do not deserve comfort during this challenging time.
The Alternative: Your Healing Frequency
Whenever you’re challenged, you have a beautiful opportunity to learn how to expand your muscles of unconditional love, compassion and healing: so you can hold yourself and release what you no longer need.
It’s what a mother does when their child is crying. She holds them. And that love is healing. So healing that a child dies if they are not held as an infant.
When your human is hurting in any way, you can learn how to hold you. How to just be with you, in complete loving acceptance and support. Your mind is going to try to tell you that love isn't enough. And yet your practical experience of how transformational your own healing frequency is, will show you differently.
Your Healing Frequency is about relaxing and releasing.
Our good mate Rumi says is best.
Your task is NOT to seek for Love,
but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself
that you have built
against it.
It's easy to fall into the illusion that we need to be more loving, more spiritual, more healing. But that's an error in perception.
Who we ARE is completely loving, spiritual and healing. That's the truth of our innate and essential nature.
So in moments of challenge the opportunity lies in letting go of whatever you are holding onto.
Take a moment to relax and release.
Just as your hand knows how to relax and transition from being clenched into an open palm, you can also ask your body to do the same.
The next time you feel upset, try shifting your focus towards accepting and allowing whatever you feel inside your body, and ask it to open its clenched fist.
Most often, that's all it takes.
Acknowledge that you are feeling challenged. Relax. And release whatever you are holding onto.
The more we learn to embrace and accept our humanity, the easier it becomes to enter that state of relaxation and release: and our Healing Frequency.
Yep this is an Energetic Healing Skill that IS hard to put into words
And I’m going to do my best to guide us through an easy experience of this today.
You can join us live here. Thursday at 9:30am Pacific.
I love you.
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