You’ve Got to Be Authentic, if You Wanna Be Happy 👍

If you want to move forward in ways that matter to you, you’ve got to allow yourself to feel your authentic emotion. By taking time to understand and be with our emotions, we can transform their energy into positive movement with loving, compassionate focus.
You’ve Got to Be Authentic, if You Wanna Be Happy 👍

In this Gabor Maté video [1] we learned how we as a human race have learned to suppress our emotion, which is resulting in a pandemic of physical, emotional and mental health.

Learning how to allow and express our emotions is critical for health and happiness.

So today, we’re going to get Happier… by allowing ourselves to be authentic emotionally.

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The Heart of Authenticity ❤️‍🩹

If you want to move forward in ways that matter to you, you’ve got to allow yourself to feel your authentic emotion. [2]

The HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING too many of us have about emotion - is that it’s not well understood how to FEEL our emotions – so they can be received and we can learn what we need, what’s out of balance and what’s important.

For example – when we have BIG Anger we have a LOT of energy that’s often directed into blame and revenge. And if we don’t take some time, with loving compassion and acceptance – that anger does and says stupid things.

But if we can allow ourselves to FEEL, and to BE WITH our emotion, and curiously we ask: What do you need? What’s out of balance? What’s important to you right now?

If we ask and TAKE TIME allowing our emotion to show us our answers, we’ll find our loving compassionate focus easily transforms this energy into positive movement.

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Your Authentic-Emotion Workout 💪 Expressing Authentic Emotion Freely  [This might be more like 17, not 7 minutes today]

  1. Call forward your most recent BIG Anger feeling. Just trust whatever comes up. If a moment from last week comes up – go with that. If a moment from 10 years ago comes up – go with that.
  2. Let yourself feel it. Where do you feel it in the body? What color does or would it have? What texture and movement does or would it have?
  3. If it were a cartoon character – create it as an exaggerated disney animation. Let this character express and vent and share freely. Just let it express however it wants to.
  4. Now ask this cartoon character:
    1. What do you need?
    2. What’s out of balance?
    3. What’s important to you?
  5. And finally, use your love and compassion to give this character what they need. Your love, acceptance and support will transform this seemingly negative energy into free energy for moving forward positively!
  6. Now call forward your most recent BIG Sad feeling. And repeat questions 2 - 5.
  7. Finally call forward your most recent BIG Joy feeling. Repeat questions 2 - 5.

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Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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