Your Imagination is a Key to Your Power 🪄

Unlock the power of your imagination! Learn how to use science-backed visualization techniques to create the reality you want. #yourpowerkey #thelifeyoulove
Your Imagination is a Key to Your Power 🪄

Recent studies show that it is the emotion felt supports us in making our visualization powerful. Including recent advancements in NeuroScience.

So the encouragement here is to really start your day by imagining it the way you’d love it to be! And more than just see it… FEEL it!

Allow yourself to be happy NOW… and then watch this moment create a happy happy day.

I love you... Fenix’ Mum Dr. Zoë Lumiere 🤗 Email me if you have questions ok!

Fenix' PepTalk 🐾

Kids are happy because they dream, they imagine, they feel the unlimited potential of this life. Those keys and moments are still open to you! What do you want to imagine for your life?! How can you imagine having the best day ever?!

Fenix' PepWalk 🐾

Imagination for Adults: The Science-Backed Strategy of Visualization

As adults, we often forget the power of imagination. But it is an essential tool that can be used to enhance all areas of our lives.

The gist of this strategy is simply to imagine and FEEL the outcome that we want, before diving in.

Before starting our day, can we imagine and FEEL the most amazing, full, happy, wonderful day possible, including take a little time to see any important moments for the day going even better than we could imagine?!

Before diving into a project, and as we continue to implement this project, can we continue to visualize and feel the emotions we want to feel, for the most amazing outcome possible?!

Before going into a tough conversation, can we see and feel the outcome we want? Can we let go of our doubts and old stories, and truly imagine and feel a miraculous outcome?!?

Mel Robbins explains the science and the profound application of this in just 10 minutes below. [1]

Just close your eyes and realize you are powerful. You are creating your life.


In fact, if we took just a few moments, before beginning almost any task, project or goal, science tells us we would significantly increase our ability to create the kinds of outcomes we intend. [2] By imagining ourselves achieving our outcomes, we are more likely to take the necessary steps to make them a reality. This visualization technique has been used by successful people in all walks of life, from athletes to business leaders.

So below we’re going to unpack the 3 most important applications for visualization, and how you can easily grow your imagination muscle over time so that you are creating more of the reality that you want in your beautiful happy life.

3 Simple Habits for Creating More of the Outcomes You Want: A Step by Step Guide

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