Your feelings are never ‘wrong’. A morning practice when you feel crappy 💩 OR happy 😁

Embrace your morning feelings, whether they're high or low. Create an authentic practice that adapts to your needs. Discover the power of self-acceptance and self-love. #MorningPractice #EmbraceFeelings
Your feelings are never ‘wrong’.  A morning practice when you feel crappy 💩 OR happy 😁

I tried for 20 years, to create a consistent morning practice that would help me show up for my life the way I really wanted to.

But for years, and years, I kept setting the bar so high, that I couldn’t ‘keep up’ with myself and my big expectations.

And most of the meditation or intentional practices that I tried didn't seem to offer much flexibility.

Some days, they would be productive, but on days when I had less energy and attention, they felt more like torture than support.

And even if I could keep up, over time, I simply lost my spark and joy in doing them because it was always the same thing.

Consider a Morning Practice that is Authentic and Adaptive

Consider that what you need in the morning when you wake up feeling like an absolute rock star might be very different from what you need when you wake up feeling like you've hit rock bottom.

I started learning how to fully accept and love myself by approaching each morning with curiosity and compassion towards my own experiences.

Instead of expecting me to be a perfect robot, which I am not.

Accepting that how I'm feeling is never wrong... was a life-changing revelation for me.

I feel like I've finally figured out the secret to a magical morning practice... at least for myself. I'm excited to share about it once again in my 17-day program starting on January 17th.

You see, I don't believe that we ever experience something that we're not meant to experience.

When we're feeling super high and excited about life, there's a reason for it.

And when we feel low and heavy, there's a reason too.

The more we can learn to accept However We're Feeling as okay and as having valuable insights for us and our days, the easier it will be to clear negativity and negative emotions and live more from the Source of Love that resides within us.

In our 17-day program, I'll guide us through various experiences related to this, but I also want to share the heart of it here.

One of the biggest keys that I have personally discovered after many years of trial and error is to accept and embrace however I'm feeling when I wake up.

Some Mornings My Human Feels Stuck

Some mornings, when I wake up and start my morning practice, I find myself saying, "God help me. Ugh, I've got nothing. I feel terrible right now."

During these mornings, I have learned that my human needs something first. It's clear that my human isn't feeling great, so I have an opportunity to acknowledge that, listen to that, and show love towards it.

Over time, my morning practice has evolved to incorporate a flexible presence that helps me release any stuck or challenging emotions or experiences. Instead of ignoring them, I take advantage of the balance available for my energy field.

In our 17-day program, I will guide us through how I achieve this.

Some Mornings My Soul is So Full, It's Just Overflowing

And some mornings there is so much energy expanding me, guiding me, and supporting me in the most miraculous and enthusiastic ways. I take FULL ADVANTAGE of these mornings because I have come to know that my Soul: my clear connection to Source is squarely in the driver’s seat of my consciousness. So, how can I make the most of this morning to receive the answers and direction I seek for my life?

I will also be guiding us through this process in the 17-day program.

Sign Up for the 17 Day Sacred Morning Practice Program 👇

We Start Wednesday January 17 for 17 Days (January 17 – February 2)

You can participate via:

• Live Zoom Calls – 7am PT Daily (approx 17 mins PLUS community sharing)

• Watching the Recordings – 10am PT Daily

• Reading and actioning the Emails – 5am PT Daily

It’s just $17 for all 17 days.

Learn More and Sign Up here

I love you. Zoë

P.S. I am now fully back in the office. Current clients I can’t wait to see you.

And I do have space for 2 new clients this month. Schedule here.

About the author
Dr. Zoë Lumiere

Dr. Zoë Lumiere

Zoë supports human beings in rewiring: clearing the unconscious blocks holding them back from loving themselves and adoring their lives.

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