Why So Serious?! 🧐

Letting go of control allows for greater flexibility, adaptability, and success. Holding on too tightly often stems from insecurity, but it ultimately holds us back from what we truly want. Loving ourselves despite outcomes helps us release control and experience more freedom.
Why So Serious?! 🧐

Embrace Flexibility for Success

Today, let’s explore why letting go of rigid control can lead to greater adaptability, progress, and success—plus, how to actually do it!

Time for a Seriousness Detox

When we take ourselves and our lives too seriously, we often focus excessively on minor details and seeking control. This can limit our ability to adapt, grow, and succeed. And it sucks our energy in a big way! [1]

Consider today, that letting go of the controlling the process and the outcomes in our life, will significantly support greater flexibility, adaptability, progress and overall success!

It can feel scary to let go of holding the reigns so tightly, but we’ll have a look at why we should, and how we can.

Fenix’ PepTalk 🐾

Life’s not that serious.

Fenix’ PepWalk 🐾

Does This Common Pitfall Also Hold You Back?

When we feel insecure about something, we can hold on more tightly than we need to.

We almost unconsciously turn up the serious meter, in the hopes of CONTROLLING everything TO work out ok, so that WE will feel OK.

But timeless wisdom tells us that holding on so tight, holds us back from what we want most…


Imagine that your life is perfectly on track. That everything is working out as it’s meant to. And there is nothing you need to hold onto, and control. Don’t think - just imagine that. Feel that. Truly let go, and enjoy that!

I'm tired of being good. Now all I want is to be free. - ELIZABETH GILBERT

How to Be Free, says the Sages of Ages

The concept of ‘letting go’ has been recognized in Eastern and Western traditions for centuries. But with a greater focus on money and power in the last century, we have regressed. [1]

Learning how to let go, so that we can be happy and free (and probably more successful) is simple. We need to find genuine acceptance: ‘our feeling of OK’ in our own Self-Love, rather in the outcome of what we’re trying to control.

A Sacred Freedom Workout 💪

Let’s Let Go of 1 Massive Energy Suck Today.

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