What’s the Point?!? 😞

Life often feels overwhelming, and many search for meaning in external things, but true purpose and love are found within. No material answer can satisfy what we truly seek inside ourselves.
What’s the Point?!? 😞

What's the Purpose 😞?!

Why are you here?
What’s life all about?
Why does it feel so difficult sometimes?
Why does it seem like everything is falling apart?
What’s the purpose of all of this, anyway?

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Many Seek Their "Why" in the External World

But it’s not out there.
You won’t find your why in a luxury car.
Or in a job title.
Or even in trying to change the world.

We, as Humans, Are Looking for Love from External Sources.

From the car we drive.
From the work we do.
From our efforts to make a difference.
But true Love is found within.
The only real Love comes from inside YOU.

So Why Are You Here?!

What do you truly desire?
What do YOU really want?
If you keep asking that question, sincerely…
…you’ll realize that no external answer will ever be enough.

A Sacred Self-Belief & Authentic Action Workout

Finding Your Why, in 7 Life-Changing Questions

So the problem is that most of us thinks we’ll find our why, in the magical, motivated UP 🎈 moments of life. And while that does happen, in my experience, we find more purpose and more Spirit, when we have the courage to BE with our challenges, when we’re falling apart, when we’re on our knees. If we’ll be vulnerable, and courageous, we’ll find the rhyme and reason running through our life…

  1. Ask yourself: Why Are You Here, on Planet Earth?! Don’t think too hard. Just be aware of what pops into your mind, AND what you feel as you contemplate?! Contemplate until you find an answer that fills your heart with warmth and love. Allow as many answers as come. Examples: To Love. To be a mother. To enjoy flowers. To learn to be kind. To share my painting. To sing. To learn how to be happy with myself. It’s important to remember there are SO MANY reasons you’re here. Maybe a million. And so many are beautiful and filled with love. So it doesn’t matter which one you choose. Let this be a light and fun exercise. The power is in deeply feeling and experiencing – not getting too mental or analytical. Ok?!
  2. Now let yourself EXPERIENCE the One that calls to you right NOW.
  3. Let yourself imagine you realizing that purpose, 1,000,000,000% percent. You might want to visualize something wild and wonderful to help you feel and experience YOU living YOUR WHY even more powerfully. Examples: To Love - imagine all the people you connect with, all those that love you. Feel that love fully. To be a mother – see yourself mothering in your greatest expression. Feel that love fully. To enjoy flowers – see yourself in a garden you haven’t stepped into before, but it’s the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. Feel that love fully. To learn to be kind – see yourself winning the world’s kindest person ever award! Let yourself reflect on many acts of kindness you’ll be doing in the future. Feel that love fully. To share my painting – see yourself painting more magically and abundantly than you ever imagined. Enjoy it. Experience it. Feel that love fully. To sing – imagine you more boldly, bravely, brilliantly singing. Feel that love fully. To learn how to be happy with yourself – imagine new unforeseen levels of profound self-love and acceptance. See how it affects your life in the future. Feel that love fully.
  4. Feel that love fully for 17 continuous seconds. You might get distracted… no worries! Just start again. But keep imagining and feeling until you have experienced Love radiating all through your body, charging your battery, aligning every cell in your body up with your huge heart and Soul… for 17 seconds!
  5. From this FULL and OVERFLOWING experience in abundant consciousness, what is Your Why? Write. Write whatever you get. Whatever you feel. Whatever comes.
  6. Feel the abundance, the bigness, the beauty. That’s who you are. That’s your Soul.
    And also feel the doubts, the questioning, the skepticism against yourself as you write. That’s your Human. So just now hug, embrace and L🥰VE your human. And let your BIG, Bold, Brave and Beautiful Soul lead…
  7. Let your Soul answer this question: Why am I here? Take notes. Write it down. Let it change your life. Forever.

Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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