An Everlasting, Healing Kinda Love
Learn how to treat yourself with the self-love & self-kindness, that’s everlasting.
Today is inspired by the Love of a Grandmother.
According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, “Love is misinterpreted as an emotion; in reality, it is a state of consciousness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.”
Love isn’t meant to be understood in the mind.
It’s meant to be experienced, and felt, and enjoyed in every cell of our body.
Yes in our heart, but everywhere, all at once.
Kind of like when your grandmother picks you up, and hugs you.
Or when your dog comes bounding up to you, after you’ve been away for an hour, and loves you like you’re the best being ever.
So today we’re gonna get a NEW experience of what Love really is.

Learning to Love Ourselves, is No Small Feat
Even if we’ve been super well loved, it’s HARD to learn to love ourselves the way that we need to be loved.
It’s easier to wait and want it from others.
It’s hard and requires huge muscles of Self-Love, to be that support and sweetness for ourselves.
But it’s everything.

Our Pains and Problems are Here to Show Us How to Love.
It requires NOTHING to love ourselves when we’re pretty, polished, and perfect.
What really helps us grow into our own Super Human Powers is to learn how to be kind and forgiving when we’re in pain and our problems are hitting the fan.
If you can just be open, just curious, that your greatest power, is your own Self-Love, we’ve got a wonderful Sacred Workout for you today.
Don’t believe me. Just be open and curious, and get your own experience.
We love you. Fenix and Zoë 🤗
An Everlasting Self-Love Workout 💪
Loving Yourself, When the Whole World Walks Out
I wish this life were easier. I really do. But I am glad I’ve learned some of the skills, and grown some of the HUGE muscles of Self-Love, through my most challenging moments.
You’ve got this. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t up to the challenge.
- What is a moment, in your life, when it felt like the whole world walked out. I know. This is no small question. This might be a life-changing and life-determining moment. Do you have the courage to come face to face with a moment, when you felt left, alone, unloved.
- In that moment, what did you need that you didn’t get?! Take whatever time you need, before you can honestly answer this question. There might be tears. There might be rage. But hang in there. Allow all that. Keep letting go of any and all of that. Until you can find in your heart – what did you need that you didn’t get then?!
- Now I want you to call on the most loving person you know. The one that’s loved you best this life. I want you to remember and experience that their LOVE is never far away. It’s always available in your heart. THEY are always available in your heart. And so I want you to feel them hugging and loving you. Let their love for you charge your huge battery of Loving inside.
- Now it’s your turn. You, as the Big, Bold and incredibly Brave Soul that you are – I want you to imagine that you are back there, in that moment when ‘the whole world walked out’. Imagine a parallel Universe, where you get to pick that version of you up in your arms, and you get to love it. [It’s important not to try to change anything, fix anything or make anything different. You’re just here to Love. To have the kind of compassion and kindness and support that you NEEDED back then.]
- You might like to speak kind, supportive, sweet, tender words to your little self inside.
- You might want to use your imagination to hug, and allow yourself to experienced something you needed.
- Just trust you. Love you. Give that kind of everlasting Love that you would give another – to yourself.

We Love Sharing This With You.
And we don’t know how much longer we’re going to be able to keep doing it. For a number of reasons. So if you DO want to help us keep going, consider donating! We would appreciate it more than we can say xoox.
Support These Emails 💌Today's Advanced Resource is ‘The 7-Step Self-Healing Process’
This 20-minute + Solo Self-Healing process will support you in more fully understanding your past, and how beliefs and actions taken in challenging moments, form the coping mechanisms that then hold us back.
But most importantly, this process shows you how to give yourself the healing experience you need to rewire old experiences and healthier neural pathways.
You will also find the References for this Guide in the Dashboard below.
Plus Access Zoom Links and Recordings for our Weekly LIVE Calls with Dr Zoë & Fenix, starting May 27.
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