The Window to Your Soul 👁️

Eye contact is a key part of communication, helping us recognize faces and understand emotions. Research shows that it activates brain areas linked to vision and social awareness, strengthening our ability to interpret others’ intentions.
The Window to Your Soul 👁️

Fenix’ PepTalk 🐾

Sometimes I mean business, and sometimes I make sure I slow down and use my kind, sweet loving eyes on everyone I meet. No matter how today is going for you, I hope you have kindness in your heart.

Fenix’ PepWalk 🐾

Eye contact plays a significant role in how we bond with others, allowing us to read emotions and recognize familiar faces.

Recent research has shown that gazing into someone’s eyes activates key brain regions responsible for both vision and social processing. These studies reveal that eye contact strengthens connections between these areas, enhancing our ability to interpret intentions during interactions.

This finding highlights just how essential eye contact is in communication, particularly for individuals who face challenges in social engagement, such as those with autism or schizophrenia.

So today, let’s make a conscious effort to connect not just through words or physical touch, but also through the power of our gaze.

1 minute for Soft Love

Take 1 minute to set a clear intention to communicate clearly, softly and powerfully with your eyes today. When you’re talking, when you’re walking past someone, when you’re sharing a meal – remember you’re communicating with your eyes! So be kind, love and connect.

Look at the world through kind eyes.


A Sacred Connection Workout ❤️‍🩹

Soft Tone and Kind Eyes

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