The Secret Sauce 🥫

Play is essential to human growth and success, fueling creativity, innovation, and adaptability. When we play, we unlock potential that helps us thrive in all areas of life.
The Secret Sauce 🥫

Did you know that play is essential for human survival?

Play shapes our relationships, fuels our growth, deepens our learning, powers our innovation, and supports success across every area of life—even the health of society itself.

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Dr. Stuart Brown, a physician and play researcher, emphasizes that “ the single most significant factor in determining our success and happiness.”

That’s a big statement.

Really big.

Why Does Play Drive Success?

Experts across neuroscience, developmental biology, psychology, social sciences, and many other fields recognize play as a crucial biological process.

It supports brain development and boosts adaptability, which are vital for thriving in today’s world.'

If you're struggling to find the next step, project, or direction in life… consider adding more play into your routine.

Play isn’t just about fun; it’s a gateway to creativity and innovation, helping us break free from routine and automatic living so we can grow and evolve.

Your Sacred Play Experiment 💪

Incorporating More Play for Greater Success

If we could truly understand HOW important play is for success, we’d live as goofy and playful as our dogs and kids. This guide will help you harness this secret for success.

  1. Which area of your life feels the most stagnant, and the most in need of a paradigm shift AND a huge injection of more energy and enthusiasm? It could be a particular relationship? An aspect of your work or just your career in general. It could be any area of your life at all. Trust what pops into your mind.
  2. First let’s heartstorm [yep like brainstorming but not done with the head – led by the heart] ways to play in this area of your life. Write down a list of absolutely any way you could play more in this area of your life. There are no good or bad ideas here! We’re just heartstorming to get our creative juices and spontaneous energy flowing!
  3. Now pick one! Any one! And commit to incorporating this for at least a week.

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