The Outcome of Running Business Intuitively 💣
Eric and I run our businesses intuitively.
We have both made WILDLY courageous decisions to follow our hearts callings and to truly do what We LOVE in this life.
And while we DO still doubt ourselves, and have challenges, and feel like crap sometimes…
We HAVE created a life together with more freedom, abundance, love and beauty than I ever imagined was possible.
We just got back from a 10 day trip with Fenix. As most of you know Fenix is now an internet celebrity 🤣 and so we had the wonderful opportunity to explore the Californian Coast in an Escape Campervan. You can check out some of our videos @

It’s taken me years, and a continued dedicated practice to start my day in meditation and dialogue with my Highest Good… but it is both so freeing to be in a flow of trusting my inner voice and inner nudges rather than the ever changing business advice we find abundantly online.
And so I’m again following my inner voice, and we’ll be taking some time off from doing Live Calls in December. Taking time to reset and recharge
So December 4 will be the Final Live Call for 2023 🎉
Join us at 9:30am for a Special Celebration Call!
Join us to celebrate the year and receive your clear intention completing 2023 allowing Love to lead in all ways.
Look Out for Weekly Email Gifts in December 🎁
Each Monday and Thursday in December we’ll be giving you a gift 🎁
In our Monday Morning Magic emails we’ll be sharing a guided process for Clarity & Creation.
And in our Rewiring Back to Love Thursday emails we’ll be sharing tools for Clearing & Healing.
Up until now we have only shared these in our paid programs! So look out for those. They might be just what you need to navigate challenges that come up over the holidays AND help you complete and celebrate 2023 fully so you can dive into 2024 with so much Clarity and Courage for your life.
NEW Programming in January 🐣
I’m so excited about December.
We’ll have a bunch more time with family, plus a week long spiritual awareness retreat in Pacific Grove, and lots of down time to clarify our NEW programming for 2024.
It takes loving devotion to go within, in service to truly being able to create in the world around us. But it’s so worth it, and in my experience it makes all the difference.
So if you’re looking for a sign to reconnect and reset for the new year…maybe this is it?
The gifts we’ll be sending via email in December will definitely support you if you’re open to support. And we’re excited to support you with New Programs in late January. So stay tuned.
1on1 Session Holiday Availability 🎄
My available session dates through the holidays are:
December 4-8 + 18-22 • January 3 onwards
For NEW 1on1 clients: My session rate is usually $347, but to those that support my work online, I am offering sessions for $277 from now through the end of 2023.
Sacred7 Launch Extended 🚀
The overwhelming feedback we’ve had for the Sacred7 has been incredible.
We have new students in the 1on1 with Zoë program, and a bunch now diving into the Solo Journey. [If you’re fans of Notion you’ll be able to duplicate our dashboard for dynamic tracking and progress.]
Launch Price extended through Christmas Day December 25 🧑🎄
We’ll be sharing so much more about the Sacred7 in the new year, but bottomline, if consider the program if you’re looking for support:
• Clearing your blocks, your patterns, the ways you’re holding back
• Clarifying your Highest Good, next steps, what to focus on daily
• Moving on what matters, having the courage to really move forward
We Adore Serving You.
We love sharing this wild and wonderful adventure called life with you.
Zoë, Eric and Fenix