The Joy of Letting Go: Love Without Judgment 💖

Letting go of judgment—even when we feel justified—opens the door to deeper happiness and connection. Compassion and acceptance are the keys to joy and fulfillment.
The Joy of Letting Go: Love Without Judgment 💖

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Oh wow… letting go of our judgments can be such a challenge!

They often feel so justified and essential, don’t they?

But today, we’re exploring an incredible opportunity to see how releasing our judgments—even when we’re absolutely right and fully justified—can, according to research, lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in the long run.

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It’s worth acknowledging that living entirely judgment-free is practically impossible. Judging is part of being human, shaped by so many factors.

However, if we can practice being just a little more compassionate and accepting, we’ll discover how profoundly it can enhance our ability to connect with others, feel at peace, and live with joy.

The Dalai Lama says, “Love is the absence of judgment,” but perhaps we could also say that happiness comes from releasing judgment—of ourselves and others—in the present moment.

When we’re caught in judgment, it’s tough to feel true joy, peace, or unconditional love. (By the way, we have a fantastic resource today to help clarify the difference between judgment and neutral observation if you’re curious!)

Ready to dive in? Our Step-by-Step Guide below will help you release those judgments and open the door to the life you truly want.

Sacred Workout for Greater Love

Choosing Happiness Over Judgment

  1. Consider a situation in which you are feeling very judgmental. It could be political, at work, in a relationship with a loved one, etc, etc. Let yourself describe it. Let yourself feel it and feel that judgment.
  2. What is the outcome you want? Yep it might feel or seem impossible…don’t worry about that right now...just be aware of the outcome you want the most?
  3. Now become aware of how you FEEL INSIDE in this outcome? So in this imagined outcome, how do you feel inside? Joyful? Free? Peaceful? Happy? Relaxed?
  4. Now answer this one simple question: Does your judgment help you feel this way inside, or not? [This simple awareness can be enough to realize that judging creates the feelings and experience inside that we want the least!]
  5. And final question: Can you feel the way that you want – Joyful, Free, Peaceful, Happy, Relaxed?...Even if the situation does NOT change? [If you answered No… consider that you don’t yet realize how powerful you are.] Take this moment to fully claim and realize that your life and your experience is up to you, and holding on to our judgments holds us back from being happy!

Choosing happiness and acceptance is the first step, and as we grow our sacred muscles, we expand into learning how to forgive as a way to heal and release judgment completely. The Advanced Resource for Clearing Judgments and Projections will support you in this expansion.

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