Today, let's explore how to strengthen our Inner Power through the sacred practices of acceptance and patience.
Peace, joy, and love often come when we release our resistance to life’s flow.
Maybe there is a deeper harmony in life’s unfolding, and if we learn to accept and flow with it, we’ll find even greater joy and serenity.
Your Sacred Meditation Workout 💪
A Simple Letting Go Technique for Meditating
- Give yourself the gift of 7 precious, powerful minutes in Silence, Stillness, Sacredness.
- Let go of doing anything right now.
- Allow everything to BE… just as it is.
- Let go of each thought as it comes up.
- Let each though just be.
- Let go of all feelings and all concerns… one by one.
- Let every single one be.
- Keep letting go of everything, and allowing all things to simply be, as they are just now.
- Let any frustration be.
- Let any confusion or mind chatter be.
- Let all of life be… and awaken more fully to your Inner Power and your Inner Joy.