The Blame Game 😠

Changing our patterns is tough because we often focus on fixing the outside world instead of facing what’s within. But being human means having doubts and struggles—it’s natural, not wrong. Show yourself compassion; tough moments don’t define your worth.
The Blame Game 😠
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Why Changing Our Patterns Feels So Difficult

Rewiring our beliefs and thought patterns is challenging – because we often gravitate toward blaming the world around us.

It’s easier to focus outward, on external situations and people, because it gives us a sense of control, power, and a misleading feeling of peace. By concentrating on the outside world, we can avoid confronting the deeper emotions and struggles within ourselves.

When someone hurts us…
…we focus on blaming and analyzing what went wrong.
When we make a mistake…
…we throw ourselves into fixing and preventing it from happening again.
When life feels hard…
…we cling to the control we find in the external: dissecting events, strategizing our next steps, and obsessing over others’ roles in our story.

Play Video | Dr Brenê Brown on Blame Basically we don’t want to let go of the outside world, because we don’t want to feel and deal with what we’re feeling and what’s going on inside of us.

Embrace Compassion for Your Mind and Body

It’s not easy to show kindness to ourselves when we feel like we should be better, stronger, or further along than we are.
But take a moment to recognize the truth: being human means experiencing doubts, fears, and negativity. You wouldn’t criticize the seasons for changing or the tides for ebbing and flowing – so why label your natural human emotions as wrong?

Acknowledge that being human can be incredibly hard at times.
Give yourself permission to feel support, kindness, and understanding as you navigate this tough moment. It’s okay to struggle – and it’s okay to show yourself compassion through it.

Your Rewiring Beliefs Workout 💪

Clearing Your Doubts and Fears

Once you are familiar with each of these steps, this process can easily take 7 minutes or less. However as you’re building up the sacred muscles necessary to clarity and experience these steps, it may take you longer.

And even though I’ve done this process maybe a hundred times, there are still some times that I do this that take a LOT longer than 7 minutes, but sometimes just 7 minutes.

It does take profound persistence, patience and Self-Love to master this workout, but it’s life-changing.

The following instructions are brief. Get the full explanation with examples in the dashboard. Link is below for paid members.

R – Relax your body, let go of the world outside of you, and breathe.

As you let go of the world outside of you, embrace and experience the world within you. [1]

Ask to be filled with the Highest Good, the Highest Light, the Highest Love. [2]

E – Embrace whatever fears, doubts and negative thinking you have.

Accept that you have fears, or doubts, or negative thoughts. Let that be ok. [3]

Let yourself have compassion for having a tough time right now. [4]

W – Write down what your Fear / Doubt / Thoughts are saying.

Allow them to write until they have nothing left to say. [5]

Now ask your body is there anything you are still holding onto? Keep writing until it says nothing. [6]

I – Inquire about how this experience is strengthening & expanding you?

How might this experience be for you? [7]

And what do you need to focus on your own growth and healing? [8]

R – Rewire and Reframe all connected beliefs

Say: “I forgive myself for buying into the misbelief that… “ [9]

Keep saying and completing that sentence until you feel still and silent inside.

E – Experience the truth

Say: “AND The truth is that I am… “ [10]

Keep completing your truth until you feel Whole, Healthy and overflowing with Love.

Pro Tip: Do this Whenever the 💩 Hits the Fan! Whenever I’m really challenged do this workout* [or the Feeling for Healing™ workout**]. [Well sometimes I first eat a pint of ice-cream, and then try to avoid it away with some RHOBH], but inevitably I turn to this workout] *This one works best when my challenge is more mental. **Feeling for Healing™ works best when it’s more emotional.

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