Who’s ready to be happier and less stressed?!
Ok let’s build those sacred muscles of play and spontaneity
Where Dogs Meet Spirituality & Science
I love finding scientific research for the Universal, spiritual truths that are best lived by my dog Fenix.
I’m not joking. I think dogs are the best teachers we have. Fenix teaches me to play and live spontaneously in the moment, every day.
And so today, we’re going to see if play and living more spontaneously also has value for humans as well 😉
Play Increases Your Brain Plasticity, Says Science
Play helps your brain’s plasticity – it’s ability to grow and adapt. It helps you open to new solutions and change. It helps you relax and evolve, rather than be fearful and give up.
And just in case you hadn’t noticed, that’s important right now. And it’s only going to get more and more important as the world continues to evolve at an even more rapid rate.
So it’s not that being playful and silly makes you happier by being goofy or childish. It’s that when we play we have to let go of knowing what’s going to happen, and the more we can learn to open to a more varied and greater number of outcomes in a given moment, it’s stretching our brain positively.
Got a minute – dive into the Power Version 👇
It’s All About Not Being Attached: Living in Greater Acceptance and Flow.
While we’re attached to things being a certain way, us being a certain way, life being a certain way, everything being CERTAIN, our brain has very little ability to respond in freedom and flow, so our fight/flight response gets triggered instead.
Play is such a great way to learn to go with the flow, and expand into greater acceptance and cooperation with life.
Another wonderful way to expand in this way is improv. And also the stream of consciousness free writing that we did in yesterday’s workout.
Hope it’s helpful!
We love you. Fenix and Zoë 🤗