It's Time to Move
on What Matters Most!
Connect Deeply to One Why In Your Life…
Humans need to have a clear sense of purpose to stay motivated and energized, unlike dogs and other animals who naturally wake up happy and full of energy.
It's important to know why we're here, what excites us, and how we can make a difference in the world. Without this connection, it's easy to go through the motions without feeling truly engaged.
Let's explore a simple way to activate ‘One Why?!’ to help us start our day with a spring in our step.

1 minute for Moving More Today?
What’s One Experience that Sets Your Heart on Fire? Let Yourself Feel that for at least 17 seconds. Let it Charge Your Battery 🔋
When Was the Last Time You Asked the BIG QUESTIONS?
Do you start your days diving straight into what you need to do, instead of connecting to the Big Questions, the Deep Experiences and Frequency that you NEED in order to feel great and connected today?
Often until someone dies, gets sick, or some other kind of disaster, we find it hard to connect to WHY we’re here and What Really MATTERS!
So will you give yourself just 7-minutes today… to Answer Your Big Why for Today!?!?

Here’s How Powerful Our ‘Why’ is, Says Science
Research from the University of Michigan suggests that living with a sense of purpose can provide individuals with more energy in the mornings: making it easier to get out of bed. This energy can help individuals align themselves with their life purpose and move towards fulfilling it. [2]
And Victor Strecher emphasizes the importance of finding and acting upon one's purpose to live with greater energy, happiness and health.

Your One ‘Why’ Workout 💪
More Energy With One Simple Question Each Morning
- Ask yourself: Why Are You Here, on Planet Earth?!
Don’t think too hard. Just be aware of what pops into your mind, AND what you feel as you contemplate?! Contemplate until you find an answer that fills your heart with warmth and love.
To Love. To be a mother. To enjoy flowers. To learn to be kind. To share my painting. To sing. To learn how to be happy with myself. It’s important to remember there are SO MANY reasons you’re here. Maybe a million. And so many are beautiful and filled with love. So it doesn’t matter which one you choose. Let this be a light and fun exercise. The power is in deeply feeling and experiencing – not getting too mental or analytical. Ok?! - Now let yourself imagine you realizing that purpose, 1,000,000,000% percent.
You might want to visualize something wild and wonderful to help you feel and experience YOU living YOUR WHY even more powerfully.
Examples: To Love - imagine all the people you connect with, all those that love you. Feel that love fully. To be a mother – see yourself mothering in your greatest expression. Feel that love fully. To enjoy flowers – see yourself in a garden you haven’t stepped into before, but it’s the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. Feel that love fully. To learn to be kind – see yourself winning the world’s kindest person ever award! Let yourself reflect on many acts of kindness you’ll be doing in the future. Feel that love fully. To share my painting – see yourself painting more magically and abundantly than you ever imagined. Enjoy it. Experience it. Feel that love fully. To sing – imagine you more boldly, bravely, brilliantly singing. Feel that love fully. To learn how to be happy with yourself – imagine new unforeseen levels of profound self-love and acceptance. See how it affects your life in the future. Feel that love fully. - Feel that love fully for 17 continuous seconds.
You might get distracted… no worries! Just start again. But keep imagining and feeling until you have experienced Love radiating all through your body, charging your battery, aligning every cell in your body up with your huge heart and Soul… for 17 seconds!
Feeling is SO MORE important than thinking when we’re charging our battery in the morning. How long can you handle feeling Love in the mornings?!

MASTERHeart ❤️🔥 Today
Join Fenix and Zoë for the First LIVE MASTERHeart
Open and Click 'Join Call Here'My days are COMPLETELY different…
When I start with just a little time connected to Me, to My purpose, to My heart, Soul and Power within versus when I just get out of bed and rush right into the day.
It’s not enough just knowing this.
You gotta actually do it. And I know… it’s hard to develop this habit for at least a few minutes of intentional connected experience in the morning BUT IT IS EVERYTHING.
Our mornings are pure magic if we’ll only slow down and start them connected to the Sacred Source of this life – which is YOU - YOUR big heart, your big Soul.
So turn the Light on this morning - turn YOU on. OK?!?!
I’m including a simple guide for creating your own Sacred Morning Practice below too! Enjoy xo.
We love you!
Dr. Zoë and Fenix xoxoox
[ 🚨 Beta Program Alert]
Thank you so much for testing out our new coaching program 🙏
The above daily coaching emails will always be FREE 💌 👆
The below Advanced Resource, Dashboard and MASTERHeart Calls👇
will be included only in our paid membership options after the Beta Completes.
We are also planning on corporate sponsorships to make
Full Financial Scholarships available🤞🫶
🚨 Advanced Resource for Consistent Authentic Action...
[Audio Meditation • 10+ mins] for mastering:
• Taking authentic action every day
• Receiving intuitive guidance for your actions
• One small step towards your calling and dreams every day!
🚨 No matter what’s going on…
We have some Loving Support for you,
and some Practical Steps you can take 👇

Join Zoë & Fenix LIVE at 10am Pacific
All Info for Today's MASTERHeart Call ❤️🔥

Wanna invite a friend to do the Beta Program 💊 too!?!
Tell them to Email Berna – the Biggest Angel on the Whole Planet 🌎
[1] Warrell, M. (2013) Do you know your "Why?" 4 questions to find your purpose. Forbes.
[2] Suttie, J. (2016). Living with a Purpose Changes Everything. Greater Good Magazine.
[3] Stretcher, V. (2016) Life on Purpose. Harper One.
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