Ready to Find Your Path and Live Your Purpose?

The Allowing.Love™ 17-Day Spiritual Manifestation Mastery 📹

Join Us and Awaken to Your Path and Purpose

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The Allowing.Love™ Spiritual Manifestation 17-Day Training will support you in learning how to create your life from flow, from your Spiritual Essence, rather than through ego, push and pressure.

Implementing and mastering the 5 Steps of Spiritual Manifestation will help you:

Clarify what Spirit is calling you into.

Learn how to ask the big questions in your heart and learn how to receive the answers from your own inner knowing. Learn how to clarify your Soul-Led Dreams and Highest Calling.

Move on Your Inner Guidance.

This practice will help you unleash the courage you need to take those baby steps you are inwardly guided to take.

Turn Your Fear and Feelings into Fuel!

Learn how to rewire your unconscious misbeliefs and clear your unconscious blocks within.

BONUS 4-Hour Video Training

When you enroll, receive access to the Spiritual Manifestation Mastery Video Training facilitated by Zoë & Eric

Video 1 • Clarify Your Dreams 🗺
Learn how to align yourself with your highest good and communicate with your highest self, and how to awaken to the big, bold and brilliant callings within that are designed to unlock your authentic gifts.
Video 2 • Courageously Take Action 🏃‍♀️
Learn how to use visualization and emotionalization™ to clear blocks to your calling and activate your intuitive gifts, and how to receive the clear next steps and courage and enthusiasm for moving forward.
Video 3 • Clear Unconscious Blocks ❤️‍🩹
Learn how to clear the fears and misbeliefs that hold you back, using techniques of inner child work and self-forgiveness to rewire your beliefs. Learn how to transform fear and challenge into fuel for your dreams.
Video 4 • Access Greater Spiritual Support ✨
Learn how to access greater spiritual support within, and in the physical world around you, and how to show up in your days in the frequency and energetic alignment of manifesting your highest good.

Master Living Your Dreams Now

"Want to get rid of the unconscious blocks to what you want?
Stake your dream clearly in the sand and get ready for the parts of you that don’t believe in you to come up.
The challenge is remembering that they’re coming up FOR healing and letting go.
They are not here to stop you.
They’re here to guide you."


What People Are Saying...

The 5 Steps of Allowing.Love™ changed my life. I now know how to feel inspired and full of love that just spills over into the world, into my relationships and into abundance.

Each step is essential, direct and goal focused and at the same time, self honoring, healing and loving. It is simply brilliant.

All these things are coming, and I'm NOT pushing, working or 'trying' for them. I'm in awe watching these things come to me so easily. This program helped me master creating with Love.

People are falling in Love...

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I can honestly say that I have found the love of my life. Oh My God he’s amazing. He’s perfect for me in every way. It’s crazy how you can have a vision of your dream, or your Soul mate, and it’s amazing how they CAN actually just walk into your life so easily. I recommend this to anyone who’s looking to fulfill their dreams and visions in a very relaxed, effortless and seamless way.

Rachel Macalisang

The 5 Steps training has been an anchor that holds me in a peaceful stillness as I navigate through life. Before this, I was experiencing life through experiences of lack, discord, and smallness. Within a year of doing the Allowing Love work, I began to feel my life shift in unimaginable ways. The key for me appeared when I began to feel my feelings. That key unlocked a door which led me to listen to my inner voice. Now, that inner voice is the GPS to all that I do. I am in a place in my life where I am so taken care of... I got engaged earlier this year too. I am so grateful to this work.

Linda Herrera

Words cannot express how much my life has changed over 6 months. I found my man-friend. I am creating my own career around my gifts and what I love. And I’m happy. Happier than I thought was possible. I’m now enjoying 5-figure months and my work is now sought after by new galleries and collectors. Honestly I still have moments where I am blown away by how all this transpired.

Paige Stewart

I have been doing the Allowing.Love™ 5 Steps every morning. I love them because they brought me my Soul mate. He’s amazing. I can't imagine now not starting my day by Allowing Love. Yes it's brought me what I wanted most - this incredible authentic partnership, but it's also brought me freedom, joy and peace in my career. I can't recommend it more highly.

Julia Franklin

People are Doing what they Love...

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I was truly awed by the results from your “allowing love” program. I have received true miracles. Including healing my leg, creating my own business, and falling in love with my husband again.
Bea Young

Doing the free 5 step training supported me to move forward and move through fear that came up in my body. Using the process each day I was more able to be with the fear and rather than do an action to remove myself from it I was able through my commitment to my goal to stay with it, breathe with it until it moved on. I have been able to move forward and release fear in a new and powerful way. Using the 5 steps each day I was able to be with the fear and release it, and use the incremental steps to move forward, rather than stay stuck. I feel more ease, acceptance and greater confidence.
Maree Smith

In 6 months I was able to quit my full-time job to pursue my dream career. Now I run my own business as a filmmaker and photographer and I love it. Zoe’s approach is simple, profound and delivers! If you want to work on yourself and allow your dreams into the reality of your life, this is the program for you!
Lucia Doynel

I call this program ‘the uncoaching program’, because you don’t go after, hustle and follow your dreams hard! It’s more you soften, open and allow your dream to become present. So in a way you stop doing things, which doesn’t make sense… But in my experience it’s been even more powerful… a really phenomenal experience. In 6 months, I went from not even having an idea to having 3 staff, launching a website and an experience of real abundance.
Shannon Bindler


The Allowing.Love™ 5-step practice of spiritual manifestation is supported by leading research in Neuroscience, Quantum Physics and Spiritual Psychology including the following:

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NeuroScience & Brain Plasticity

When we focus for a period of time in a visualized AND emotionalized experience, we activate the Reticular Activating System: a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so that we experience more of what we focus on. Yes it takes discipline, but it's easy to do. Steps 1 through 3 support you in experiencing that filtering / rewiring process.

Spiritual Psychology & Self-Forgiveness

The tangible, kinesthetic energies of Love, Compassion and Forgiveness (which can now be measured by an EKG machine) have the ability to release the thought forms and limiting patterns holding us unconsciously from what we want (largely through the misbelief that we are not worthy of love). Step 4 supports you in rewiring your beliefs to your innate worthiness of love.

Quantum Physics & Heart Coherence

Science has only begun to understand the positive effects of Heart Coherent states [e.g. compassion, gratitude] but there is evidence that HC synchronizes our thoughts, actions and emotions resulting in experiences of 'The Zone' or 'Flow'. And evidence suggests that HC experiences create a clearer access to intuition. The combination of Steps 4 and 5 create an experience of Heart Coherence that is both a consciousness of abundance and also springboard into courageous action.

The Evolution from Mindset to 'Heartset'

The world is evolving and we are facing challenging times. A purely mental, rational perspective will not be what guides us forward. It's easy to see that the world's challenges stem from focusing on the bottomline. But consider that a key for all of us will be letting go of the ego and our analytical mind to allow our Hearts and Love to lead. We're not sure if Science will EVER be able to prove the power of Love. But we've all experienced it. These 5 Steps ignite the heart: the Love that you are. Allow the 5 Steps to connect you to the Clarity, the Courage, and the Consistent Action of Love.

Spiritual Manifestation
is for you if:

• You Heart is calling you to Fall in Love [Allow the One]
• You Heart is calling you to Share Your Art, Gifts, Work [Share My Love]
• Your Heart is calling you to Make a Living Doing What You Love [Live My Calling]
• You want to Enjoy Your Life a whole lot more [Adore My Life]
• You want to Release Fear and Anxiety [Don't We All?]

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Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

Online Life Coaching with Dr Zoë Lumiere, inspired by World Happiness Expert Fenix Lumiere

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