The key to building your morning routine is simply to establish one!
Recognize that you already have a great morning practice, and embrace yourself into making it more consistent and powerful!
Now, take a look at how many of the following tips you're already incorporating, and consider which ones you're ready to add!
Here’s How to Start the Day, Says Science
According to Manuel Pistner [1]
- Leave yourself enough time in the morning ⏰
- A great evening routine 🛌 [Your evening routine will set you up for the BEST morning routine – More about your evening routine next Monday!]
- NO ALARM for waking up 🔕 If you can, wake up naturally. If you need an alarm, use a soft soothing sound, as alarms are cortisol triggers, raising blood pressure and heart rate.
- Meditation 📿 Any amount of conscious breathing, mindfulness, meditation can help you reduce stress and anxiety.
- Cold Showers 😬 Help you boost immunity, increase circulation, and help with weight loss.
- Sunlight 🌞 Helps with seasonal depression, skin issues, pain management & more.
Experiment with different activities and timings to find the routine that leaves you feeling your best and most productive. You don’t have to follow the scientifically proven best morning routine (if there is one). Remember that what works best for you may differ from what works best for someone else. It’s essential to tailor your morning routine to your specific needs and preferences. Says Manuel Pistner
Your Sacred Morning Workout 💪 7 Minutes for Allowing Love All Day
And here is the Basic Allowing.Love™ 7 minute guide for An Amazing Day!
- Expand into The Highest Good [1] for this week. Let yourself feel it’s gonna be better than you could possibly imagine.
- Let yourself connect with One Experience You Really Want [2] this week. It doesn’t matter which one.
- Let yourself Feel it. Emotionalize it. [3] How would you feel, if this one experience came true
- Identify your Frequency. Keep feeling the reality of this one thing you want: what one word or few words best describes it? [7]
- Feel your Frequency for 17 seconds or more. [8] Keep feeling the heart: the frequency of this experience for at least 17 seconds. If you get distracted, keep coming back to start the 17 seconds of continuous frequency.
- Now Create a Clear Intention to Live Your Frequency! [11] In present tense, write a clear intentional statement for living your frequency this week.
- What’s one next step (or more) that will support you in living your frequency? [12] Write it down and move on it!
Pro Tip: Learn more about the Basic Monday Morning Practice! Dive deeply into Monday’s Foundation HERE