If We Don’t Grieve, We Can’t Reconnect 🌈
Today we’re talking about letting go of loved ones, specifically rainbow 🌈 loved ones, in order to receive their love and our connection most fully again.
It’s not easy to let go of what we love most in all the world.
But what we really loved was NOT their fur or feathered bodies, it was their essence, their heart, their Love.
We are designed to attach to bodies. In fact we are hardwired for this physical kind of attachment because that’s how we survive. By being connected and cared for by one another.
So the act of letting go of our loved ones’ bodies, can feel like we’re letting go of them.
But the opposite is true. Until we accept and release some of our attachment to their physical bodies, it can be very hard to keep them close in our hearts, minds and lives.

Letting Go is Feeling the Pain
If we don’t consciously ‘let go’ of our loved ones, we find that we are unconsciously stuck, and that stuck energy in our consciousness is unhealthy on every level.
Essentially, letting go is allowing the inner experience of not having, possessing, keeping something. It’s coming into complete acceptance with the truth. Not just mentally, but also honoring what that feels like for us emotionally.
It might sound strange, but not feeling and grieving is one of the ways we ‘try’ to hold on. And in not feeling and grieving, we get stuck, and that unresolved grief creates dis-ease in our body.
Think of letting go of something you’re holding onto in your hand. You need to relax and release whatever is in your hand. Instead of remaining hard, contracted and in resistance to what’s going on, we must be vulnerable, open and expand – which requires that we vulnerably experience the pain of letting go.

If We Don’t Let Go of the Past, We Block What’s Next.
If I’m not able to let go of having Ellie here with my physically, I won’t be able to receive our connection spiritually.
Not only is it wildly futile, to not come into cooperation with what is (i.e. Ellie’s physical body is not here, I have to accept that), but until I do, I don’t get to have a new connection with her.
And as I have very actively grieved, and cried and honored my love for Ellie, I have begun to experience her so full in my heart. Yes I still miss her. But once again I feel her presence, her joy, her spunk in my heart. It’s kind of like knowing that someone is in the kitchen, while we’re in the bedroom. No there physical body isn’t next to ours, but we’re so close. We’re together. The relationship is still real and alive.

A Guide to Spiritual Grief
The Blue Healer is a deep divine dive into transforming your grief into your gifts and greatness.
PreOrder it NOWA Sacred Heart Workout ❤️🩹
Letting the FloodGates Come Down.
Often what we’re experiencing along our journey of grief is our resistance to feel our pain.
This guide will help you find and release resistance in your body.
This guide is not a conclusive guide for grief. It’s just one step of many. But it’s an incredibly important one.
If you do need support along your pet loss journey make sure you preorder ‘The Blue Healer’ here. Next Friday I will share the next step from the book here too 🤗
- Get into the position that’s most relaxing for you. I like to be a starfish on my floor. Some people like to lie down on their bed. Others have a favorite recliner to fall back into. And some yogis might find it most comfortable in some kind of yoga position.
- If you’re already aware of a Tidal Wave of Grief, do your best to say yes to that energy. You can say yes to this energy by:
- Relaxing and releasing any tightness or constriction in your body.
- Keep letting go of any thought or mind chatter, anything in the mind that wants you to stop surrendering to this energy, and rather wants you to go fix or figure something out. The mind will NOT want you to surrender to this energy. The mind always wants us to be in control. So keep kindly and gently relaxing your focus out of your mind and your thoughts, back into your body and into letting go.
- Focus on your breathing if anything begins to feel too overwhelming. Just allow your breath to rise, and allow it to fall. And repeat. Keep saying yes to your breath. Accept and cooperate with the breath as you breathe in, and accept and cooperate as you exhale. You don’t have to breathe deeply or slowly. Just a natural rhythm is great.
- Give yourself permission to feel, however you feel. Whatever it is…
- Sometimes huge swells of loving and gratitude come up…
- Huge pangs of pain ripping at your heart…
- A huge whole body sob…
- Rivers from your eyes down your cheek…
- If you aren’t feeling much, but you are aware pressure and emotion has been building up and you intuitively know you need to experience some emotion right now, use photos, videos and any other visual way to connect with the memory of your loved one. Let yourself feel as you watch and remember your loved one. Let the feelings come. Let the tears flow. Do your best to keep moving from your head, and into your body.
- Use these energetic analogies to help you keep relaxing, moving into your body, and allowing the release. Try them all. And take note of which ones work best for you. Remember intense emotion can trigger us to contract. Use these analogies to help you continue to: relax, move from your head into your body, and feel and release. Do your best, despite wanting to close, contract, and not feel the pain, to feeling it, allowing it and letting it go.
- Imagine that your whole body is a clenched fist. Sweetly, softly and gently ask the clenched first to keep opening little by little. As you keep feeling the sadness, pain, whatever… keep sweetly asking the clenched fist (your body) to keep relaxing, releasing and letting go.
- Imagine that your whole body is a flower bud. Sweetly allow it to open, to bloom, ever so slowly and gently.
- Imagine that you are on a roller coaster. Our pain and negative feelings can trigger us to contract: to hold on tightly to the bars, close our eyes and resist all feeling. Rather, can you sweetly encourage yourself to throw your arms up in the air, open your eyes and allow the feeling in your body.
- When you feel the energy shift or lessen, and a kind of completion or stillness, spend at least one minute doing some consciously clearing breathing:
- Breathe in and as you’re breathing in imagine your entire head filling with bright white light. This light is clean, clear and magically cleansing.
- Breathe out and as you’re breathing out, allow this bright clearing light to flood from your head out your finger tips and toes.
- Continue to breathe in and fill your head with bright white light. Allow the intensity to build. You might imagine the light filling beyond the size of your head allowing the sphere of clearing light to get bigger and bigger as you continue.
- Continue to breathe out and allow that clearing cleansing light to move from your head cleaning, clearing and cleansing every cell in your body, through every level of consciousness.
- Repeat for about one minute.
- Thank and reward yourself for having the courage to feel. Genuinely say ‘thank you’ to yourself for completing this experience, and ask yourself what reward would feel self-honoring and empowering?! And now go treat yourself with what feels supportive and celebratory.