Excuses will always be there.
There will always be countless reasons—valid and compelling—why you can’t carve out time for yourself.
But even 5 minutes a day to pause, close your eyes, and release the weight of the world can truly transform your life.
Give these 5 simple steps a try and take 5 minutes to meditate today.
If you're already owning your meditation practice—amazing! Keep it up 🎶🙌
But if you're still dipping your toes in to see if it’s worth the hype, this guide is here to help.
Your Sacred Meditation Workout 💪 5 Steps. Meditation Made Simple.
- Sit down.
- Close your eyes.
- Breathe consciously. Tell your body to breathe the way it really wants to.
- Place your mental focus within your head. Your mind has a brilliant ability to wander, always looking for mischief. And that's ok. We're here to let some of that go, in service to greater peace and Inner Power today. So your job for this short period of time is just to softly and sweetly bring your focus back to the space within your head. You can imagine there's a TV screen inside of your head if you like. Just watch there. Pay attention there. Listen there.
- Let go of everything. Just keep breathing, focusing your attention within your head, and let go of whatever comes up. Any thought, distraction, idea, twitch, feeling, discomfort, pain, etc... just keep letting each one go... one... by... one.
What helps you make meditation a habit?
We’d love to hear your tips and tricks! Share them with us, and we might feature your ideas in an upcoming guide.
Much love from Fenix, Zoë 🤗, and Eric and Ellie 🐾