Love Turns the Whole Thing Around 🏵️

Love is what makes the world work, and communication helps us grow, succeed, and connect. But communication isn’t just about the words we say; nonverbal cues like tone, body language, and eye contact often speak louder.
Love Turns the Whole Thing Around 🏵️

Fenix’ PepTalk 🐾

Do you think that us dogs love you?! Do you think we Love, like you humans love?!?

Fenix’ PepWalk 🐾

Making Life Work Better 👍

All dogs, and some humans know – that it’s Love that makes this world work.

And one of the keys for letting Love help us grow, succeed and connect – is our communication.

But communication is NOT just talking – or the words we use to communicate.

In fact studies suggest that up to 93% of communication is nonverbal. [1]


What’s the 1 Thing You Would Really Love to Hear? Now express that to yourself. Feel it. Receive it. Let Your Love IN. 🤗

Pain throws your heart to the ground. Love turns the whole thing around. No, it won't all go the way it should. But I know the heart of life is good


You’re Not ALWAYS Saying What You Think You’re Saying.

No matter who we are, or how great a communicator we THINK we are – we’re probably not expressing exactly what we want to express.

We very often focus on the right words – but our tone, body language, eyes, mannerisms, and other nonverbal cues might be saying something very different.

Today we’re going to dive deeply on how to focus more on how we communicate non-verbally.

Let’s all grow in our ability to Communicate Our Loving Heart together today.

Grab your journal for this Sacred Muscles Workout 💪

Communicating with Your Heart

We’re going to play with our non-verbal expression, touch and the tone of our voice today, to become more aware of how we can create closer and happier relationships.

1. Become aware of One Person in your life that you would love to feel closer to. And perhaps that you would also like to have a ‘happier’ relationship with, i.e. you share more happy moments together. Write down the name of that person.

2. What is the most important message you want this person to know. I know it’s a little morbid, but you can consider what would you want them to know, if you were never able to communicate to them again? Write down your answer. It’s ok to feel and be vulnerable as you write down this very important message.

3. Now consider how you would communicate this message in your face, in your expression? Write down your answer. Do your best to describe it.

4. How would you communicate this message with touch? Write down your answer. Can you give yourself permission to really FEEL this?! Let it soften your heart and connect you to your loving within.

5. Finally, what would be the tone of your voice?  Write it down. Describe it as best you can in writing.

6. Now imagine what would happen to your relationship, if you communicated with these 3 keys: Review answers for Questions 3, 4 and 5. These are your communication keys for this person. Regardless if WHAT you’re communicating to them in words, consider that you can communicate with the energy and loving of your 3 keys.

Consider upgrading to get the references used in this article, a few more comments from Dr Zoe Lumiere, and a Couples Guide to Tough Conversations.

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