Lifting Your Vibration 📡

Quantum science shows that the energy you bring matters more than specific actions. When we align our intentions with love and gratitude, we create a powerful, transformative momentum.
Lifting Your Vibration 📡

The Power of Your Energy is Greater Than You Realize 🌌

Quantum mechanics teaches us that the energy behind our choices matters more than the actions themselves.

It’s less about choosing Hawaii or Alaska, and more about the vibe you bring to the journey.

Likewise, in business, whether you focus on social media or email marketing is secondary to the authenticity and energy you infuse into your work.

Studies in quantum research suggest that prioritizing how we approach life has a far-reaching impact.

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Our Ego and Mind Resist This Approach

Does part of you feel like this emphasis on “energy” sounds impractical? Many of us have been taught that success is about making the “right” moves or perfect plans.

But quantum researcher and author Dr. Joe Dispenza highlights a different truth: when we lead with elevated emotions like gratitude and love, we create what he calls “heart coherence.”

This shifts our approach to life, generating a momentum of meaningful success that goes beyond any checklist of actions.

Science Backs This Up: Here’s How to Move Forward

Since 2013, Dispenza's research has focused on the role of the heart in creating positive change.

While good feelings are often tied to external events, studies suggest we can cultivate positive emotions from within, no matter the outside circumstances. And that, it turns out, is key to moving forward with intention.

Aligning clear goals from the mind with warm, genuine emotions from the heart can radically shift our energy, opening us up to new possibilities.

When we harmonize our intentions with heartfelt emotions, we take back our power to shape our reality, instead of just reacting to the world around us.

Your Sacred Manifestation Workout 💪

Focusing on the Energy of Our Personal Success

From ancient cultures to today, like a thread through the needle of time, the heart appears as a symbol and source of health, wisdom and intuition. #DrJoeDispenza

Are you ready to activate the heart as the center and battery for your life?

  1. First, relax, get comfy, and ask for Your Highest Good.
  2. Ask yourself: What do I want? More than anything? If I knew it were GUARANTEED what would I ask the Universe for right now? Write down at least 10 things. And include at least one in each of the areas of: Health, Career or Service, Relationships, Play.
  3. Now next to each one of these 10 things + – write down how you imagine you will feel if you receive it completely. Use all your senses to imagine you experiencing you HAVING what you want right now. And write down that feeling or frequency for each thing you want.
  4. Do you notice any themes? What are you aware of wanting to feel and experience? What’s the theme of the frequency that you both want to feel in this life – but this is ALSO the frequency that will help you MANIFEST whatever you want most.
  5. Define your key frequency. What words or small phrase best describe your most powerful inner feeling: your frequency? Write it down.
  6. Charge your energy field with your frequency for at least 17 seconds continuously. You might get distracted. No worries! Just keep coming back and focusing on and experiencing your frequency.
Pro Tip: How can you activate this frequency every day this week. You only need 17 seconds a day!!!!!

Get Dr Zoë’s personal insights, references and a daily meditation for manifestation when you upgrade from as little as $3/month.

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