Leaving Judgment Behind😉

Letting go of judgment frees us to experience genuine love and acceptance, removing barriers to personal growth. Embracing compassion over criticism enhances our well-being and fosters a more understanding world.
Leaving Judgment Behind😉

Today, We’re Learning How to Transform Our Judgments into Acceptance and Love

Judgments are the leading negative thought pattern that hinder our happiness, health, and prosperity.

Unlike observations, judgments carry negative emotions.

For instance, observing that "someone is eating more than might be healthy" is neutral. But thinking, "that person is eating too much and is gross and disgusting" is a judgment, laden with negativity. This negative emotional charge signals an unhealthy judgment, often felt physically in the body as a significant and unpleasant sensation.

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Is This Widespread Misconception Holding You Back?

Often, we criticize because we refuse to endorse or engage in certain behaviors.

We criticize cruelty, laziness, or greed with the intention of eliminating them.

However, our judgment tends to reinforce these traits within ourselves and others.

We All Judge. If you’re human, you judge. So the opportunity here is to learn how to release our judgments over time, and we can do this with compassion and understanding, not more criticism and judgment 🤣

Here’s How to Move Forward, says the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama has famously shared for years, that the key to happiness is compassion. The key to enjoying life, is to expand into as much unconditional loving as we can. [1]

We will be happier, if we release the judgments or conditions we place against our Love.

Love another, even when they are unkind.

Love yourself, even when you are lazy.

For when we accept and love something (which is NOT condoning or participating) but setting it free.

Consider bullying. All bullying is a coping mechanism. A psychological protection created when one fears being unlovable. So when we don’t judge and add further criticism and negativity to someone that’s judging, but rather we give them the loving they need (we all need) we have the power to set ourselves free, and others.

Got Another 5 minutes? Let's Release Some Judgments

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