This program may be for you, if:
• You have some experience with healing work.
• You are compassionate, empathic and sensitive.
• You are recently dealing with recurring old patterns facing some strong limiting beliefs and / or emotional challenge.
• You may be looking to support others with your healing and / or coaching gifts.
• You are probably a master at loving and taking care of others, and recognize that you have room to grow your own Self-Love and Self-Belief.

Why I'm Offering this Program NOW
This is a Time of Profound Transformation. Get Professional Support in Truly Taking Advantage of Potential Energetic Shifts.
Complimentary Consult with ZoeAstrologically, spiritually, intuitively, this is a time for upgrading and leveling up.
Do you feel deeply challenged, stretched and out of you comfort zone right now?
Many of us are being expanded into a new level of consciousness. We are being stretched and upgraded, and it doesn’t feel comfortable. The next year (from now through the next 16 months) is a crucial time for cooperating with our divine flow and Highest Good. It will not only help us feel sane in crazy times but we can use this time as it has been designed for deep clearing and a profound shift in consciousness. We have the choice to fully embrace this time of change, allowing ourselves to grow, heal, and expand. Alternatively, we can identify with our feelings of lack, fear, scarcity, or upset and hold onto the past and our negative patterns instead. This time presents us with a sea-change opportunity for profound personal evolution.
A global consciousness of lack being lifted from the planet right now.
Individually, many of us are experiencing this as financial fear, insecurity, and challenge. Collectively, of course, we are seeing the world experiencing huge financial instability.
But it's great news. These old schemas of lack, scarcity and competition are being lifted and cleared. It's just not comfortable or fun while our operating system is getting upgraded, so to speak.
It is no coincidence that this time is also culminating with a profound shift on Planet Earth from a more masculine polarity into a greater balance with the Divine Feminine. The energy of the planet is shifting from being dominated by more mental and masculine thought forms and patterns to a harmony that is balanced, held, and healed by the Divine Feminine.
A Greater Experience of the Divine Feminine
If you sense you have gifts of the Divine Feminine – compassion, empathy, sensitivity, nurturing, mothering – now might be a wonderful time to truly claim and anchor your life more fully from this Divine Energy. (If you're reading this, or resonate with Allowing.Love™ in any way – it's pretty safe to say that you do.)
One of the biggest challenges for those of us naturally gifted in the Divine Feminine is the difficulty in showing themselves the same love, nurturing, and compassion they readily offer to others. Compassionate and highly sensitive people often develop a pattern of looking after others as a way to navigate through life. Prioritizing the happiness of others can lead to personal contentment, a sense of security, and feelings of self-worth. However, there comes a time when this approach no longer suffices. This marks a point in our evolution where we are ready to rewire and and reconnect with our inherent sense of worth, abundance, and joy.
This is a Miraculous Time
This period is indeed remarkable as our past traumas and karma are surfacing in our consciousness, allowing for healing, clearing, and releasing. Consequently, this phase of deep transformation may feel restrictive, challenging, and at times painful. However, beneath the surface discomfort lies the potential for miracles and profound life-altering changes to take place.

The Program
A 12-month program for Rewiring from Lack to Love
1on1 Session Support
One 90-minute healing session every month for 12 months with Dr. Zoë Lumiere conducted over Zoom.
In-between Session Support
Zoë will suggest particular processes and techniques to use in between sessions.
Zoë has developed these techniques based on her personal healing journey, along with her extensive training and recent education. Her qualifications include a Doctorate in Spiritual Science, a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, and specialized training in Applied Neuroscience focusing on treating trauma, anxiety, and stress disorders through Brain Change (PESI).
Weekly Rewiring Reporting is a service for individuals who feel they would benefit from submitting a weekly written report. Zoë will review your report and provide further recommendations based on the information you provide. This service is optional and up to you.
Investment is $250/month
Or one payment of $2,500 (Save 17%)
Limited Availability
Dr Zoë has limited availability. Schedule a consult soon to ensure your participation.

Let's Dance.
This is such a beautiful time to be alive. There is greater spiritual support for clearing our patterns of lack, scarcity and smallness. Yes it can be vulnerable, but it is also incredibly joyful.
What People Have to Say
I offer complimentary 30-minute consults to see if you're a fit for this work. I also use this connection as the time to assess if I feel you may be a good fit for this program. This chat together is casual and of course completely obligation free 🤗
You are welcome to email me first if you have any questions that you would like to have answered via email 💌