Just Say Yes I Can 🙌

This life is a paradox where both 'Yes' and 'No' are essential tools. In the mornings, I look to Fenix to remind me how to say Yes to the day, finding magic in the little things and fueling his joy.
Just Say Yes I Can 🙌

If You’re Gonna… Say YES!!!!

This life is a paradox. “Yes” is an important tool. If we’re gonna show up for this day and for the tasks at hand — let’s say YES!!!! Yes I can!!!

While never forgetting that NO! Is also an important tool we carry. It’s ok to say no. When we’re not ok. When our boundaries and needs and feelings are being crossed, abused or neglected 🤗

Dogs have become my teacher for everything. They say YES better than anyone I’ve ever met — to each and EVERY day!!!

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And when they need it… they know how to trust themselves and say NO!!!

On social media everything becomes a meme — a truth captured in 20 seconds. It’s all about yes. Or it’s all about saying no. But omg we are complex complicated beings. We’ve got to learn to live in the present moment and trust ourselves. It’s not black and white. It’s ALL shades of grey.

In the mornings I really look to Fenix to show me how to say Yes to This Day!!!! He finds the little things. The ordinary magic and miracles of this day to set his heart on fire, to energize his action and to enjoy himself to the max 🔋

So say it with us!!! If you wanna… Yes we can!!!!!!

A Magic Monday Workout 🪄 Unlocking the Power of YES

  1. What feels tough, wrong, not ok… today? Write them all down.
  2. Own them. Focus on them. And truly trust yourself and if they are yours to do. Say Yes, or No, to each one.
    1. Some of them you might realize, NOPE I don’t need to do that… I’m letting it go.
    2. Others you may realize hey it’s tough, uncomfortable, but YES it’s important and I’m accountable and yep I’m saying YES to this… so OK YES!!!!!
    3. And some might be Maybe. Let yourself put them on hold. Make a list. Table them for later. But for TODAY… let them go.
  3. Our ability to trust ourselves is everything. So whatever you are agreeing to do. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Or feels a painful or problematic… if you’re a YES… then freaking SAY YES!!!! Awaken to the fact that you’ll have more energy and more power and more JOY if you truly SAY YES and you dive in 100%.
  4. Sometimes it’s hard to see why something is on our path. It’s hard to see what our karma is asking us to learn, to grow, to evolve through something that’s scary, not fun, or even painful. But if you’re saying Yes… open to the power of completely accepting, embracing it and showing up 100%!!! It can turn uncomfortable situation into fun and excitement. And it will turn a lack of energy and movement, into more flow, more energy and much greater alignment!
About the author
Dr. Zoë & Fenix

Dr. Zoë & Fenix

The ultimate happy coaching combo. Fenix supports humans be their best selves and beyond. Dr. Zoë adds a little science and strategy.

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