We Try to Feel Better, By Doing Better
It’s the number one way people are out there right now trying to FEEL better about themselves, their lives…just genuinely feel happy you know.
They focus incessantly on working harder, making more money, getting the stuff, nailing the achievements, fixing themselves, being prettier, skinnier…better.
There is ALWAYS going to be MORE.
A part of you – your human part – is always going to want MORE.
But your heart nows it will only EVER HAVE NOW.
We’re Not Happy Because We’re Living For Tomorrow.
And then when tomorrow comes and we have what we wanted, we’re already focused on next.
But what if radically accepting your life just as it is right now, was the only true path to happiness?

What If Your Life is Ok? And You Can Be Happy… Now?!
Are you open, and curious that this might be true for you?!
Or you might already experience that.
Either way we can ALL grow our muscles of Radical Acceptance so that we might finally enjoy our life and realize that everything IS ok.
Inspiration from Michael Singer
You just stop telling your mind that its job is to fix your personal problems. This job has broken the mind and disturbed the entire psyche. It has created fear, anxiety, and neurosis. Your mind has very little control over this world. Just relieve your mind of the job of making sure that everybody and everything will be the way you need them to be so that you can feel better inside. Your mind is not qualified for that job. Fire it, and let go of your inner problems instead. You can have a different relationship with your mind. Whenever it starts up telling you what you should or shouldn't do in order to get the world to match your preconceived concepts, don't listen. The truth is, everything will be okay as soon as you are okay with everything. And that's the only time everything will be okay. [1]
So let’s dive in and expand into those Sacred muscles that know how to be okay, with everything, as they are, right now.

A Sacred Workout for Radical Acceptance
Experiencing Happiness and Enoughness…Now
Use this step by step process inspired by Michael Singer’s book The Untethered Soul, as a practical way to move from being out of balance and not okay with a particular situation in your life… to being and experiencing deep and embodied okayness with it and your whole life.
- Start with Awareness: Start by becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Can you find a situation in your life recently, where your mind was trying to control outcomes and was creating inner turmoil. Write down that situation.
- Acceptance: Accept that you cannot control everything around you. Are you able to open in curiosity, to the idea that it's okay for things to be different, from the way you want them to be? Can you expand into being even more curious that things might be the way that they are, for the better?
- Letting Go: Actively let go of needing to fix anything and making sure things align with what you want. Release the pressure you put on yourself and others. Just as you unclench your fist, find that tightness inside that’s trying to make things different, and just unclench, relax, release that tightness. Let go.
- Self-Compassion: Now be kind to yourself. Understand that it's normal to feel overwhelmed at times, and that’s okay too. Accept your mind and the way it struggles to accept! Have softness, compassion and support for yourself!
- Gratitude: Finally cultivate a sense of gratitude for the things that are going well in your life. Shift your focus towards what you appreciate rather than what is lacking. Can you keep experiencing a deep sense of gratitude, that helps you experience greater okayness.
- Affirm Your Okayness: Anchor in your new beliefs: I am okay, with my life, just as it is. I am okay with… (the situation you’re working with). I am okay with… (define the details of the situation). Keep saying and feeling I am okay with… until you do truly and completely feel OKAY with the situation.