Hugs Are Medicine.
Humans have an inherent need for connection deeply rooted in biology, that goes beyond what we might assume.
Hugging offers psychological and physiological benefits. And is used as a therapeutic tool for conditions like anxiety, depression and PTSD. [1]
So how can we allow authentic hugs, to lift the planet into a greater consciousness of love and harmony?!

I'm a Hugger. I like to Hug.
But I do want to sign off here and say it’s also so ok NOT to hug, and to pick and choose when you want to hug.
This is especially important with children. Knowing that it’s ok for them not to hug, and they can choose when and how they want to hug is empowering and builds the inner resource we need to feel safe and connected with our world.
Like most things in life, the power in something is in being present. Rather than doing it on autopilot, or thinking about something else, or trying to rush to the next moment… Can we just be present and enjoy a hug today?!
I’m gonna give Fenix AND our NEW Little Eli a hug from each of you xoxoooooo
We love you! Dr. Zoë and Fenix and Eli xooxox
Your Greater Connection Workout 💪
Increase Your Health & Happiness with Hugs