How Abundance Works 🤔

Gratitude is the key to unlocking more abundance in your life. By appreciating the present moment, you align with the energy that attracts even more blessings.
How Abundance Works 🤔

The Closest Thing to Magic in This World...

Is a Heart Filled with GRATITUDE 💜
Finding joy and abundance in the here and now can be tough, especially when feelings of lack or despair creep in.
But with a bit of time and curiosity, it’s always possible to uncover the richness of the present moment.

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Pay Attention. Here's the Secret.

Seeing what you have right now as ENOUGH is the real magic to inviting MORE into your life.
Living in the energy of GRATITUDE – appreciating what’s in front of you – is the best frequency to attract, allow, and create even MORE.

Wisdom from the Ages: This is the Secret to Abundance.

We often chase things because of how we think they’ll make us feel.
Many times, it's not even a conscious choice.
We want money or possessions to feel safe and secure.
We want love and companionship to feel worthy and connected.
But no matter what you're seeking, it’s driven by a desire to feel a certain way.
And here’s the thing: you can shift your perspective and realize that your life already holds that feeling, that frequency, right now.

Your Sacred Gratitude Workout 💜 Experiencing Fullness in Frequency

5 steps for moving our consciousness into the frequency of abundance.

  1. What do you want? It can be be anything from I need a job, to I’m ready for marriage, to I want to love my body completely, to I want to be kinder to other people. It truly doesn’t matter. And if you’re like any of the human beings I know, you’ll probably have 100 answers to this question. So just allow whichever answer comes first for you.
  2. Now just allow yourself to imagine, and then visualize, and then emotionalize having what you want. As if it were more real than this moment. Use your senses to experience how it would feel in all ways, to have and experience this thing, this dream, this calling that you want.
  3. Now completely let go of the world! Keep feeling that inner experience, the energy or frequency inside. But let go of the visual. Focus only on how do you feel in this complete realization of what you want? How do you feel? What is the frequency of the energy within you right now?
  4. Give this frequency a word or a phrase. Words are gonna fail. There are no words that will accurately or adequately describe how you feel within, so just do your best to choose the word or words that describe this energetic frequency inside.
  5. Identify the Fullness of this Frequency in your life in some way. Now that you know what you really want – it’s time to see that you’re already full of it in some way. Example – maybe you want more money right now, and the frequency for you is “Freedom”. While you might not feel freedom financially right now, I know you WILL feel freedom in some way in your life. Can you use that experience to claim that frequency and help you feel more freedom in your finances. After all it actually DOESN’T matter how much money IS in the bank. I know Millionaires that feel like they don’t have enough. So can you use the Freedom inside you, to expand into fullness in your finances.

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Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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