Fenix' HappyCoaching™

Inspiring PepTalks and PepWalks from Fenix with a Little Help from Mum, Psychology & Science. Get a NEW Happy Coaching Guide every week. It's free.
Fenix' HappyCoaching™

The Daily 'PepTalk' You Need

And the 'PepWalk' that Gets You Moving

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Start Each Day Like Fenix

We would all be unstoppable if we got out of bed and lived like Fenix does.

Fenix is the TikTok Happy Dog. He has 2 Million friends on TikTok and 200 Thousand on Instagram.

While he himself is a rescue pup, his mission in life is now to rescue you, and any other human that needs a little help living life to the max.

And while he is adorable and undeniably inspiring, it is his ability to overcome HUGE challenges, despite all the odds, that helps and inspire us humans to meet our challenges with the same kind of Courage and Self-Compassion.

So First,
A Little About Fenix...

Fenix was almost euthanized because he's different

Fenix has the Neurological Disorder Cerebellar Hypoplasia

Fenix Has Turned His Disability, into His Super Power

We believe, that with enough love and support, all of our 'disabilities', or differences, or challenges in life, become our super powers.

You don't need a disability to know that life is tough.

And you might not have a brain disorder like Fenix...but We all Have Challenges! We ALL feel Alone, and Different and even Disabled sometimes.

We sincerely believe, that dogs are here to help us understand how to Love, be Compassionate, and how to be Courageous with our lives.

And what you might not know, is that dogs instinctively do what leading Psychology, Relational NeuroScience and Holistic Life Coaching Practices prescribe...

Fenix can help you apply Leading Practices in Psychology, NeuroScience & Holistic Life Coaching

With just a little help from Dr. Zoë Lumiere

Dogs Love Unconditionally.

Dogs love, because that's who they are. Huge big fluff balls of love. And so no matter what you do, they're gonna love you.

And if you genuinely curious, about how to be happy and have a fulfilling, successful and rich life, you need to learn to love yourself first, and then others, like a dog loves: unconditionally. It's Spiritual Psychology 1o1.

Dogs Forgive.

Dogs are truly magical beings. They forgive effortlessly and instantly. No matter how many times humans fail them and hurt them, they forgive.

Who knows if not holding onto the mistakes and pain of the past helps a dog be happy, but we 100% know through recent Relational NeuroScience that forgiveness helps humans be happier.

Dogs Live in the Moment.

Dogs find immeasurable pleasure from doing the most ordinary things, every...single...day.

Because they don't have big thinking brains like we do, they are hard wired to live in the moment. And while it's harder for humans to learn how to live present, and connected and live in each and every new ordinary moment, it's possible.

Dogs Put their Own Needs First.

Fenix has never once asked me in the morning Mum what would you like to do today. Nope. First thing, each and every moment of his life he has DEMANDED that we go for a prance. He knows he has to fill himself up doing what he loves, if he's to have the energy and love to rescue all the humans around the world.

This List Could Keep Going...

And that's why we created an entire blog and email coaching subscription out of this idea.

It's cute and quirky.
But it's also life-changing and fueled and scientifically referenced by leading edge Psychology and NeuroScience.

It's Free.

But if you'd like to support us, you can choose to donate $7/month.

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Sign up to get Fenix' HappyCoaching™

Every day you'll get an email with:

A Fenix' PepWalk!

A short inspiring video of Fenix living his best life.

A Fenix' PepTalk!!

Just a few paragraphs from Fenix.

A Life Coaching Strategy

From Fenix' Mum Dr. Zoë Lumiere that supports you practically applying whatever worldly words of wisdom Fenix has for us.

Supporting Science

Relevant studies and articles supporting each strategy.

Yep. Your New Life Coach is a Dog.

Hire Fenix as Your Happy Coach Today!

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About the author
Love YourSelf. Love Your Life.

Love YourSelf. Love Your Life.

Allowing.Love™ provides world-class holistic life coaching on a sliding scale. We believe that everyone deserves access to the tools and resources necessary for a healthy, fulfilling life.

Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

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