The pursuit of perfection, driven by shame and fueled by social media, traps us in a cycle of unrealistic expectations and self-criticism. To break free, we must embrace vulnerability and accept that we are enough just as we are.
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Today’s culture is obsessed with perfection.

Just look at an instagram influencer’s perfectly curated, completely unrealistic ‘life’ to see how we as a culture value what seems ‘perfect’.

And it’s not healthy. In fact it’s contributing to the current mental health crisis.

Today we’re going to unpack the limiting beliefs that hold perfection in place.

And a simple yet transformative workout for rewiring our limiting beliefs from the impossible chase of perfection to enoughness.

Here’s How to Rewire, Says Brené Brown

When we’re chasing perfectionism, it’s shame that’s really driving us.

It’s thinking: “If I look perfect, live perfect, work perfect, I can avoid or minimize criticism, blame and ridicule,” says Brené Brown.

Rather than expanding us, it holds us trapped under impossible ideals.

It holds us back from living in the most seductive and sneaky ways.

And the key to releasing this vicious cycle of shame and playing small?!

Vulnerability: Sharing vulnerably.

And loving yourself as ENOUGH.

Start to share more vulnerably with your trusted loved ones, and just watch shame and perfectionism start to fade away. And tell yourself consistently: you are enough. And start to expand and grow in ways you didn’t think were possible.

Your Rewiring Beliefs Workout 💪 Master Greater Energy and Enoughness

  1. At the end of each day simply say: I did enough, and do your best to feel it.
  2. For any resistance you feel (like maybe you ate too much ice-cream, so you feel like you weren’t healthy or good enough in that way): Let yourself see, that life is hard. Given ALL you have going on, that today was your BEST. Maybe you’ll do better tomorrow. But given all the seen and unseen challenges in your world today, that was ENOUGH.
  3. Keep reviewing any resistance that pops up, that holds you back from truly feeling like everything you did today was enough. Just do your best, to let yourself off the hook, and to feel that you did your best.
  4. Complete by telling yourself: I Am Enough. No matter what I did, or didn’t do today, I AM ENOUGH!
Pro Tip! If there’s one area or situation that’s really tough for you – you’re really struggling to feel ok at all, let alone enough. Consider sharing your challenge vulnerably with a friend. Remember shame can’t survive being shared. Once we have the courage to vulnerably share our imperfections, we begin to find the love, compassion and courage we need to move forward, grow and thrive.

Obviously today is inspired by Ellie.

I have been working so hard, such long hours, and I honestly it’s unbelievable that I can STILL feel like I’m not doing enough for her.

Even though my rational mind absolutely and always knows I AM doing enough. I have a small inner child that learned to cope with early childhood challenge by taking responsibility for everyone else’s needs and making sure everyone else was happy and ok. And this little part in me, no matter what I do, seems to always feel like I’m not doing enough 😢

You can do this. You can love yourself whole.

You NEED to hear you’re enough. And you CAN be the one to give that to you.

The truly magical thing about doing this, is that pretty soon you’ll start to be aware of other people also reflecting to you how enough and much more than enough you are…

We love you. Zoë 🤗 Fenix 🐺 and Ellie 🐶

Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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