Huge news! It looks like Ellie might have found a really wonderful new home. Watch, like, comment, share video here 🙏
I won't share much about it yet, because we still need to do our due diligence AND get an accurate diagnosis for Ellie, but a human so kind and compassionate, with a lot of time, love and expertise to give has come forward, and even better he has 3 dogs that sound like the PERFECT PACK for Ellie.
There's one catch. It's on the other side of the country. So ideally we'll fly Ellie out. But we need to get an MRI done to make sure she CAN fly with her condition. And of course a clear diagnosis for her is going to be helpful for many reasons.
Ellie needs the funds to get an MRI 🧠
I'm sorry to ask again. And I do think it's a gift, to be a part of Ellie's adventure. There is a grace and a joy when we give. So just in case you're called to give for Ellie's MRI ($3,500) you can donate here. It brings me to tears to see how hard she is trying AND how smart she is. And how sweet and loving she is, despite being SO frustrated and not able to run and play like every puppy deserves to 🥹 And liking, sharing and commenting on this video is a huge help too!
The update on Ellie videos is here.
Thanks for loving Ellie too 🫶
I know I'll never share all the details of these last 2 months so far with Ellie. Words will never do it justice. But she has changed me.
She has helped me heal some of my most abandoned and abused parts inside. It's not easy to explain. But seeing her flail, and almost be (invisibly) held down, has been so hard to see day after day after day. I have cried so many times. And as I have had to find the acceptance and compassion for what she was going through, I also found great acceptance and freedom for the parts of me that flail, struggle and feel held down sometimes.
She's helped me find a greater Love and Trust in this life.
She's also helped me learn how to love...AND let go.
I hope some of this makes sense.
Just thank you for being here.
Thanks for sharing the journey.
I love you.