Don’t Shrink🕳️ Don’t Puff 👿

How courageous are you in facing your fears? Just being willing to confront them is more powerful than we realize, requiring humility and vulnerability.
Don’t Shrink🕳️ Don’t Puff 👿

Confronting Our Fears 👻

How brave are you when it comes to facing your fears?

It takes tremendous humility and vulnerability to truly address what scares us.

But simply being willing to acknowledge and confront those fears is much more powerful than we often realize.

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Facing Fears Without Fighting or Fleeing

The biggest challenge—and often the solution to fear—is to meet it head-on.

This doesn't mean going into battle mode, being harsh, or attacking.

Nor does it mean running away or freezing in place, avoiding the situation.

It's about staying present and connected, allowing yourself to face the fear without turning your back on it.

Standing in Our Own Power 🤗

Don't engage in a fight, trying to become something you're not.

And don't shrink or hide away.

Instead, stand firm in your power, grounded in your truth.

Courage to Confront Your Fears 😶

Many of our fears, like financial concerns or career uncertainties, may feel overwhelming, but they aren't always real.

Of course, some fears—like a life-threatening danger—call for action.

But in most of life's situations, there's nothing to fear. Often, it's about slowing down, offering care, and learning to accept what’s in front of us.

As we practice confronting and accepting these challenges, that fear begins to transform into clear energy that propels us forward.

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A Sacred Muscles Workout 💪 Facing Your Fears and Standing Your Sacred Ground

It takes time and patience to train our nervous system NOT to shrink and flee, and NOT to fight and puff up… but to be present, whole and complete just as we are.

Magic happens when we are present. When we know our own worth, and we don’t run in for the kill, but we don’t run away either.

We just stand our sacred ground, and let the miracle of this life unfold perfectly.

  1. Recognize Your Default Response: Recall a time recently when you were afraid. Or simply be aware of right now, what situations or outcomes scare you. Be aware of your tendency to either puff – to fight, attack, seem bigger and superior than another. Or do you shrink – do you run away, or hide, or play small?
  2. Acknowledge the Impact: Take a moment to reflect on how these default responses hold you back from authentic connection, and sometimes prevent you from being true to yourself.
  3. Embrace Vulnerability: Acknowledge that vulnerability is essential for authentic connections and growth. It is okay to be imperfect and still worthy. The mantra ‘Don’t puff. Don’t shrink. Stand your sacred ground’ can help you show up as your true self – not here to put anyone down, but also not here to be the victim.
  4. Practice Self-Acceptance: Remind yourself that you are enough just the way you are, imperfections and all. Accept yourself without the need to hide or defend. This is the HUGE and MOST IMPORTANT key – can you right now accept yourself as you are – without puffing, without shrinking. It’s ok to be afraid! We all are. So can you accept and love yourself as you face your fear?!!!! That’s all it’s gonna take for the fear to dissolve over time.
  5. Expand with Self-Love: If you truly accept you are who you are – perfectly lovable and perfectly imperfect 🤣 just as you are – you will notice that great self-love will follow. It’s a natural process we can’t hold back if we try. So let that great loving and support for yourself flow. Let yourself love yourself in the face of this uncertain situation, and allow yourself to see the situation clearly. Perhaps there is nothing to fear. Just something to slow down and face with acceptance, love and patience.

Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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