Fenix’ PepTalk
Nothing Can Hold Me Back!
People said I wouldn't live.
My owner dropped me at a kill shelter because they didn't think I was worth saving.
We all have blocks. And things that seem like they're trying to hold us back.
But I'm here to tell you they're here so you can find more love and courage.
They are gifts. Let them grow you. Let them help you find more love and belief in yourself.
I love you. I believe in you.
Love 🐾 #YourHappyCoach, Fenix xoxoxoxo

We Are Magical
Thinking about the amazing presence of Fenix in our lives never fails to bring a smile to my face and a warm glow to my heart. It's like this magical reminder of just how powerful love and kindness can be—seriously, it's like having a pocketful of joy.
Fenix, with all its fuzzy and fabulous charm, is like a walking, wagging testament to the awesomeness that comes from spreading love and kindness around like confetti. I mean, who knew that a furry friend could teach us so much about the sheer magic of these simple yet extraordinary forces?
And you know what? It's not just about us—it's about tapping into this well of strength and using it to sprinkle more joy and freedom into our lives. It's like having a secret stash of good vibes that we can tap into whenever we need an extra boost.
So, here's to hoping that these little musings act as friendly guides on your own adventure of discovering more fun and freedom. Because, hey, life's too short not to embrace the magical vibes that come from a little extra love and kindness. Wishing you a journey filled with laughter, wagging tails, and all the joy your heart can hold! 🌈🐾
A Step by Step Guide
Having Fun Like a Kid
Again So much of what holds us back from our fun and happiness is the internal push, pressure and planning of being an adult.
Of course that’s what comes with being an adult right – responsibilities and the need to plan and handle life. But we don’t need to be in that mindset of pushing, planning and being responsible for our lives ALL the time.
You will need:
• A few hours where your adult responsibilities are handled
• An open mind and an open heart
• Optional: Post-it or piece of paper, and pen
1. It might take some time and thinking, to truly make sure all your responsibilities for a few hours are handled, but do that, and then turn off your phone, if you can. Remember this is only for a few hours. Get in touch with the important people in your life if you need to to let them know you’ll be offline.
2. Great job! Give yourself a huge pat on the back! That’s a huge win, even to just give yourself permission to take a few hours off adulting.
3. Now this can be the tricky part. The adult in you may keep unconsciously pushing you around, pressuring you and reminding you of all your plans and responsibilities. If that happens, it’s time to write yourself a permission slip.
Write on a post-it or piece of paper:
I, ___your name___, hereby declare, that I am granted 100% permission to do whatever I want for the next 3 hours. I also do joyfully declare, that I’m allowed to have oodles and schmoodles of fun. Signed, ___your signature___
4. Now do what you want. Breathe. Relax. And enjoy the few hours of complete freedom.
From Dr. Zoë
Great News!
We start Rainbow Bridge Club February 6 - save the date!

Zoë and Fenix will be sharing more about it soon, but until then you can learn more here.
And if you’d like to get email invites to the Rainbow Bridge Club calls you need to Click Manage Subscription below, then Click Manage next to Emails, and Choose to get the New Rainbow Bridge Club emails.
We can’t wait to be with you soon.
We love you. Fenix and Zoë 🤗
🙏🏼 Share The Love!
- Forward this to a friend who could use a little more Love and Happiness. I mean couldn’t we all?!
- Have a story about how Fenix has helped you?! We’d love to share it online! Email us @ fenixlumiere@gmail.com
- Consider donating $7/month for these emails?! So they can stay free Forever for Everyone! Click Manage Subscription → below 👇