Don't Hesitate: Ask for Extra Assistance🤝

Understanding the importance of asking for help is crucial in today's fast-paced world. By embracing self-compassion, we can foster personal growth and break free from the blame-and-shame culture. This shift allows us to better navigate challenges and improve our well-being.
Don't Hesitate: Ask for Extra Assistance🤝

Today, let's explore why asking for help feels so challenging and how to make it easier.

In the hectic pace of modern life, seeking help is not just beneficial but essential.

It often feels tough, doesn't it?

One major reason people shy away from asking for assistance is the fear it shows weakness. Society has ingrained the idea that needing help makes us seem needy or inadequate.

But let's set the record straight: nothing could be further from the truth.

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Is This Pattern Holding You Back Too?

Do you catch yourself judging others for asking for help?

Do you sometimes view seeking help as a sign of weakness or inadequacy?

Honestly, we all do. We live in a world that glorifies self-sufficiency and independence.

But this mindset needs to shift if we are to thrive. We must learn to come together and embrace the strength in asking for help.

Would you be willing to change the world, from the inside-out!? As you have the courage to ask for greater connection, community and support, you inspire and lift others to do the same.

Get More Support, says Nora Bouchard

The challenge can be that we become so attached to doing it all on our own, that our body has to give us the signals to ask for help, because our mind refuses to admit it.

Losing sleep, becoming more impatient, or a sudden onset of headaches can all be signs it’s time to get help.

And it’s hard, because we live in a culture of Blame and Shame, says Nora Bouchard and Brené Brown [1]

We have a Blame and Shame Culture Nora Bouchard, and Brené Brown agree: It’s self-compassion that is absolutely necessary to break through our blame-and-shame culture. Most of us are accustomed to thinking in terms of the “deserving” and the “undeserving” needy, the people who are worthy, versus those whose problems aren’t big enough to justify our aid. Sometimes we don’t even notice we’re doing it.

Many parts of society have encouraged us to become self-sufficient and isolated because corporations can make more money if you’re looking to fix yourself, rather than build community.

So let’s dive into one practical way to get the Self-Courage and Self-Compassion we need to ask for help.

Got Another 5 minutes? Let's Ask for Help

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