We Have the Power to Grow
We all have the power to let ourselves off the many ‘hooks’ we put ourselves ‘on’ through our life.
We hold back from living the life we want, because at some point we bought into the misbelief (the hooks) that we’re not worthy, not good enough, not ‘something’ enough. And these misbeliefs become like invisible (unconscious) blocks to enjoying and living life to the fullest.

At the Heart of Unworthiness and Not-Enoughness are Judgments
If you feel bad about being “not skinny enough” we’ll find conditioning (or neurological wiring) anchored in a judgment that being overweight / fat is bad, wrong, ‘should not be’. Maybe you were valued and loved more when you lost weight. Or being skinny was highly valued in your house.
Or if you feel bad about seeming unsuccessful in your career, we might find various judgments against being stupid, or lazy, or being a failure or loser. All most humans fall into the unhealthy misbelief that it’s bad, wrong or less not to win, or be successful and powerful.
And these judgments holds us back often because they ARE invisible or unconscious. [1]
We often don’t notice that we’re feeling ‘not skinny enough’ when we’re in a group of people until we feel anxious and bad about ourself but we don’t know why.
Or we find ourselves not having energy or motivation for our work day because we’re unconsciously feeling so critical and bad about ourselves.

Forgiveness Lets Us Off the Hook
If we want to let go of the ways we hold ourselves back, we need to learn how to forgive ourselves more effectively. We need to forgive ourselves for the many judgments we have against ourselves.
As we forgive ourselves for buying into the judgments that it’s not ok to be fat, or it’s not ok to be lazy, we find ourselves releasing patterns of weight and procrastination.
It’s hard to do because it IS a paradox.
If we want to lose weight, we need to expand into the kind of compassion that loves us even if we DON’T lose weight.
If we want to show up for great productivity and achievement in the world, we need to learn to love and be supportive of ourselves even if we DON’T do all that we hope.
Forgiving the Judgments Frees Up Our Energy to Change and Move Forward
If you want to let go of anything you’re doing in this world – forgive yourself for it. Forgive yourself for every time you’ve ever done that pattern. All negative patterns were created as coping mechanisms to protect you at some earlier time – so forgive it and forgive you so you can let it go.
Your Rewiring back to Love™ Workout 💪 Clearing Self-Judgment and Blocks from the Past
- Choose one thing you have judged yourself for. It can be a pattern like being less patient to a loved one. Or an addiction like smoking. Or something specific that happened recently.
- First, let yourself get all blamey, complainey and judgey. Let yourself just write from the part of you that judges. Let that energy be felt and expressed as you write: It might sound something like: You need to be better. You’re not doing enough…
- Now ask your judgment: how are you trying to serve, help or protect me? Let yourself write. It can be hard to find, but let yourself see that this judgment IS just trying to help you be good, right or lovable.
- Now thank your judgment – but let it know that it’s actually taking your energy, making you feel not great about yourself – and it’s actually counter-intuitive. It might sound something like: Thank you for trying to help / serve / protect me – but you’re actually NOT helping AT ALL. I get now that you’ve been trying to help me, but it’s having the opposite effect. Thanks for your good intention, but it’s time for me to let you go.
- Now forgive yourself using these 3 statements, Say them out-loud ideally: I forgive myself for buying into the misbelief that… …I’m a terrible person for being so impatient. …I’m a loser because I can’t quit smoking. …I’m a bad person for doing… I forgive myself for buying into the lie that… …I’m a bad mother if I’m impatient. …I’m weak and pathetic if I have challenges quitting smoking. …I’m not a good friend if… I forgive myself for judging myself as… …mean. …pathetic. …unlovable.
- And NOW complete with… And the TRUTH is that I am… …doing my best and am actually doing so great given all I’ve got going on!!! …so freakin’ awesome for attempting to quit and I know I’ll get there. …I’m good, and kind and lovable.
We have been having incredible Live Calls together addressing the power and practice of compassion and forgiveness over the last few weeks.
The recordings from this week and last week are available below. Last week we talked about how to embrace our inner struggles and to have compassion for ourselves like a ‘Little Ellie’ inside of us. We all could experience how much love and patience we have for my foster pup Ellie, but when we’re struggling in life we’re critical and cruel.
And this week we dove deeply into self-forgiveness as a critical component to spiritual manifestation.
Both weeks include meditations that you can use anytime you choose.
You will need to upgrade (from as little as $3/month) to access the recordings, weekly live calls and an abundance of advanced resources, including 2 key resources of understanding the healing power of forgiveness this week 👇
📹 Recent Sacred Circle Call Recordings
🚨 Advanced Resources for Self-Forgiveness
Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul-Centered Living Paperback – February 21, 2017 by Mary R. R. Hulnick Ph.D. (Author), H. Ronald Hulnick Ph.D. (Author)