
Just Say Yes I Can 🙌

Just Say Yes I Can 🙌

This life is a paradox where both 'Yes' and 'No' are essential tools. In the mornings, I look to Fenix to remind me how to say Yes to the day, finding magic in the little things and fueling his joy.
Spark more smiles 💜

Spark more smiles 💜

A smile can transform even the darkest moments into glimpses of hope, reminding us of the love and support we have around us. We are abundantly rich, not because of material wealth, but because of the infinite smiles and love we have to offer to those we care about.
Play is the Way 🛣️
Fun & Freedom

Play is the Way 🛣️

Play enhances brain plasticity, allowing it to grow and adapt. By embracing unpredictability during play, we train our minds to accept a wider range of possibilities, which strengthens cognitive flexibility.
Let Off Some Steam 😤
Emotional Health

Let Off Some Steam 😤

Life can feel overwhelming and stressful, but it's essential to release those tensions. Studies show that writing about emotions improves psychological well-being, making practices like Julia Cameron's Morning Pages a powerful tool for finding clarity and happiness.
We Are in Sync 🫀
Heart Coherence

We Are in Sync 🫀

We often get caught in cycles of overthinking and analysis. HeartMath Institute’s research shows that fostering heart coherence creates harmony between the heart and mind, leading to greater emotional balance and mental clarity.
Listening is Loving 🥰
Connection & Compassion

Listening is Loving 🥰

Radical Listening goes beyond hearing words; it's about truly understanding and feeling what someone is saying by stepping into their world. In a time of increasing social divides, Kathryn Thomson advocates for Radical Listening as a powerful tool for healing relationships and fostering compassion.
Sacred Grief Workout ❤️‍🩹
Rewiring Back to Love™

Sacred Grief Workout ❤️‍🩹

Embrace whatever in your life you're still called to grieve. It could be a romantic relationship, a death, an abusive experience, a disappointment. Just trust whatever challenge in your life still feels unresolved, and not yet like it's just a wonderful gift you can be grateful for.
A Prayer for Love 😊

A Prayer for Love 😊

Ellie broke my heart just a little more, but in doing so, she opened it wider, making me more tender and connected to life's beauty. Our heartbreaks don’t harm us; they awaken us to the delicate purpose of our existence, reminding us of the bigness around us.
The Power of a Simple Smile😊

The Power of a Simple Smile😊

Your smile is a powerful tool that can turn challenges into opportunities for connection and support. Embrace your true abundance by giving away smiles, and watch your world become brighter and more joyful.
The Happy Formula🧪

The Happy Formula🧪

Our favorite songs flood the brain with dopamine and serotonin, boosting our mood and often evoking nostalgic memories. The music we loved as teens sticks with us, thanks to the powerful emotional connections formed during our brain's critical developmental years.
What Ellie Wants You To Know…
Feeling for Healing™

What Ellie Wants You To Know…

I am learning to hold space for my grief while embracing the love Ellie brought into my life, a love that transcends even her absence. Each day, I strive to transform this pain into deeper self-compassion, honoring her memory by growing through the hardest moments.
Grateful for Me 🥹

Grateful for Me 🥹

We often find it easier to be compassionate toward others than toward ourselves. Mirror work, a practice of speaking affirmations while looking in the mirror, helps transform self-criticism into self-love over time.
Enjoy the Dreams that Came True 🫶

Enjoy the Dreams that Came True 🫶

Embracing the life you have now is essential to living fully and freely. While it's natural to aspire for more in the future and reflect on the past, true fulfillment often lies in recognizing the beauty of the present moment, which can be easily overlooked.
Trust the Cocoon 🦋
Feeling for Healing™

Trust the Cocoon 🦋

You won't heal your painful past during your happiest moments; true healing comes from how you show up for the painful ones in the present. Each challenging moment is a chance to complete the past and offer yourself the love and compassion you once needed.
Presence is Power 🦸

Presence is Power 🦸

When we resist what we don’t want, it lingers. But when we embrace the present, even in chaos, we discover the magic and strength to move forward. Don’t run—be still, breathe, and let the present moment guide you.
Greater Support 🫶

Greater Support 🫶

Support is a two-way street; it involves both the courage to ask for help and the bravery to offer it. Embracing vulnerability in both giving and receiving allows us to build deeper connections and foster a more compassionate community.
Rewiring back to Love 🔌
Rewiring Back to Love™

Rewiring back to Love 🔌

It's difficult to rewire our beliefs because we cling to the illusion of control by blaming external circumstances. This external focus allows us to avoid facing our inner struggles, making it challenging to nurture self-compassion and confront our true feelings.
Magical Monday 🪄

Magical Monday 🪄

An intention is a focused decision that sets the direction for your thoughts and actions, serving as a guiding principle toward achieving your goals. A clear intention is a well-defined aspiration that you fully commit to, directing your energy and efforts toward making it a reality.
Thanks Mother Nature 🌳

Thanks Mother Nature 🌳

Without trees, breeze, and bees, life loses its essence. Nature is perhaps the easiest and most rewarding thing to be grateful for, and giving back to Mother Nature today is a powerful way to express that gratitude.
Creativity for Depression 🎨

Creativity for Depression 🎨

Creativity can be a powerful tool for healing, especially when feeling down or depressed. By embracing your creative side, you may find renewed energy, reduced stress, and a greater sense of self-love and resilience.

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