Making big changes through small steps is key.
Rushing can lead to doubt, fear, and resistance. Meaning we don't follow through.
Learning how to move in small steps, and more consistently, helps us move forward without stumbling into self-sabotage and other patterns of negative resistance.
The Kaizen philosophy, introduced by Masaaki Imai, emphasizes small steps for significant change, countering the brain's resistance to new behavior. [1] [2]

Turn 1 minute into Positive Change Today!
What’s One Small, Super Simple, Easy Step you can take today? 🪜
Only got a minute! That's enough.
Does This Common Pitfall Also Hold You Back?
Often when we think about living our dreams or achieving our goals we think Big Daring Risks and Leaps of Faith!
We want to arrive tomorrow. We want to have it all done yesterday. And so we think Huge Heroic changes are what’s needed if we’re ever going to get there.
Here’s How to Move Forward, says science.
Kaizen, proven to be effective, was brought to the Western world 30 years ago by Masaaki Imai in his book, 'Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success'. [1]
Focusing on Small Steps, rather than big leaps or quick changes is the heart of the ancient Japanese philosophy of Kaizen. [2]
The Kaizen philosophy is simple: Great change is made through small steps. And the science is irrefutable: Small steps circumvent the brain's built-in resistance to new behavior. [3]
Your Authentic-Action Workout 💪
Master Moving Forward with Small Steps
- First choose a dream or goal or habit you really care about.
It can be any size. From creating a business to drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Got it?! Great! Write it down. - Next, you’re just going to think of the smallest steps you can think of, to support this dream or goal. Write them down. And yes! They MUST be small. Like so small they feel like a no-brainer.
For example:
Small Steps for saving money: Set yourself the goal of saving just one dollar per day.
Small Steps for asking for a raise: Start a list of reasons you deserve more money for your work. Every day, add one item to the list.
Small Steps for exercise more: Put on exercise clothes.
Small Steps for launching a new product: Spend 1 minute thinking about it.
Small Steps for drinking 8 glasses of water a day: Put a glass for water by the fridge. - Next step is to practice small steps! It can actually take some discipline to train yourself to think in smaller steps. We actually prefer the FEELING of THINKING about big steps. But in reality we are less likely to achieve our goal with BIG steps! So each day...what’s just one small step towards your dream or goal!? The more you do this, the easier and more fluid it will become!
Consider that this awareness will support you in moving consistently and incrementally towards your dream!
If you don't have a Journal for Loving Your Self – Get One! More about how pivotal working with a journal can be soon 📕📘📕
References & More in Dashboard

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Thanks for being here. Please give us all feedback here. You are gonna run into glitches and things that need to be improved. Please let us know your ideas, suggestions and how it's working for you.
Submit Your Feedback • Ask a QuestionIt's not always easy to truly trust that small steps are gonna get you there! Right!?!?
So let's experiment and see if this works... together!
I'm really wanting to get some more resistance training into my life. Since we got Fenix, we spend so much time every day just walking. But in doing the exercise above for me, I got that I can do just doing some squats and lunges today while walking. Let's see what happens! I'll let you know.
Feel free to let us know the small steps you're trying too!
We love you.
Fenix and Zoë 🤗
[ 🚨 Beta Program Alert]
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The above daily coaching emails will always be FREE 💌 👆
The below Advanced Resource, Dashboard and MASTERHeart Calls👇
will be included only in our paid membership options after the Beta Completes.
We are also planning on corporate sponsorships to make
Full Financial Scholarships available🤞🫶
🚨 Advanced Resource for Consistent Authentic Action...
[Audio Meditation • 10+ mins] for mastering:
• Taking authentic action every day
• Receiving intuitive guidance for your actions
• One small step towards your calling and dreams every day!
🚨 No matter what’s going on…
We have some Loving Support for you,
and some Practical Steps you can take 👇

🚨 Get 1on1 Expert Guidance from Dr. Zoë…
Master Your Life with Consistent Loving Support,
LIVE Weekly MASTERHeart Calls ❤️🔥

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Tell them to Email Berna – the Biggest Angel on the Whole Planet 🌎
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