Accepting Our Power 🔌

Resisting life’s challenges only drains us, but acceptance opens the door to true change. By making peace with what we can’t control, we gain clarity, energy, and freedom to move forward.
Accepting Our Power 🔌

It's not always easy to embrace life just as it is, right?

To make peace with your reality, exactly as it is in this moment. I have plenty of things I'd like to improve or change in my life…

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But One of the Biggest Misunderstandings That Keeps Us Stuck…

…is the belief that acceptance holds us back from making positive changes.

Accepting something doesn’t mean we support, approve, or even agree with it.

It just means we’re acknowledging its existence and coming to terms with it as part of our current reality.

Sometimes we believe that if we deny or refuse to accept something, we can somehow will it out of existence.

But if we step back and set aside our anger or fear, we see how unrealistic that really is.

After all, what is—just is. We can’t effectively change what we don’t first acknowledge.

Fighting Reality Gives Away Our Power

Resisting something only makes it stronger.

But if we accept it, we open up a path for positive change through acceptance and love.

Whatever we resist or try to fight drains our energy and gains power over us.

This constant resistance leads to feelings like anger, fatigue, or an unhealthy need for control, all of which pull us further from happiness and peace.

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Your Radical Acceptance Workout 💪

Powerful Change by Letting Go of Resistance

  1. Choose the thing you find it most challenging to accept – to be ok with – even though it exists. It can be a dysfunction in the world – or a dysfunction in yourself. World Example: Current Shelter Crisis Personal Example: Drink too much
  2. First, let yourself complain, blame and call names. Give your resistance a voice. An uncensored voice. Let it write as much as it wants. Let it get as negative as it wants. Really allow yourself to let off some steam, and rant and rave. World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: It’s terrible. People are useless. They’ve got to do better. This is not ok… Personal Example [Drink too much]: It can’t continue. It’s got to stop. You’re pathetic and weak. Just stop it. Just change.
  3. Now imagine Wholeness, Health and Complete Change. In your imagination, see and experience your ideal outcome. World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: I’m seeing all dogs have homes and be loved and cared for. Personal Example [Drink too much]: I’m seeing myself drink only in healthy, self-loving, balanced ways.
  4. Now ask yourself – What’s holding you back from being OK, while this exists? What lie is keeping you from acceptance? World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: I feel like I should be doing more. I feel like it’s my fault. I feel bad for not doing more. I feel like I’m somehow responsible and a part of the problem, even though I know it couldn’t be further from the truth. The lie is that I’m responsible for this problem. Personal Example [Drink too much]: I feel just so stupid and weak and pathetic for not being able to show up perfectly and say no more. I think I’m afraid I might be like some of my relatives, that let themself get really sick and dysfunctional. But when I think about it like that, I can really see that I’m not even close to that. The lie is that I’m gonna end up sick and dead.
  5. Now use statements of self-forgiveness to release that lie from your consciousness. Say: “I forgive myself for buying into the lie that… “ Keep saying and completing that sentence until you feel still and silent inside. World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: I forgive myself for buying into the lie that I’m responsible and a part of the problem… Personal Example [Drink too much]: I forgive myself for buying into the lie that I’m weak and pathetic…
  6. Now experience the truth and allow yourself to experience greater okness, health, happiness and wealth in all areas of your life, even though you’re not perfect, and the world’s not perfect either. Say: “AND The truth is that I am… “ Keep completing your truth until you feel Whole, Healthy and overflowing with Love. World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: And the truth is that I’m doing a great job and being a part of positive change. Personal Example [Drink too much]: And the truth is that I’m doing my best, and am super healthy!
  7. Now in this more accepting and cooperative space – what action are you called to take?! Let yourself see what feels aligned and empowered. World Example [Current Shelter Crisis]: I’m going to go down to my local shelter this weekend and see what I can do to help. And I’m going to keep on just doing my best. Personal Example [Drink too much]: I’m going to allow myself to really enjoy having a glass of wine at dinner on Saturday night for Jane’s birthday! And I’m going to keep doing my best.

Upgrade to listen to Dr Zoë’s further encouragement for the Power of Acceptance and NonResistance in our life. Plus a 20-minute guided exercise for clearing what’s blocking you from moving on what you want most in your life right now.

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