A Surprising Springboard into Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Meditation is one of the most challenging habits to build and maintain. Being patient and compassionate with yourself is essential when you're working to incorporate it into your life.
A Surprising Springboard into Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Meditation is a Challenge

Among all the habits I help my clients build, establishing and maintaining a meditation routine is hands down the toughest.

So, if you’re working on adding more meditation into your life, remember to be incredibly patient and kind with yourself. It’s a gradual process.

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Meditating When Life is Chaotic is Tough

We all have our plates full. Everyone is juggling something.

Whether it’s external challenges or personal struggles within, it can feel overwhelming.

The biggest obstacle most people face is trying to push down their emotions, instead of embracing and releasing them.

Try Seeing Your Fears and Feelings…

As innocent, gentle inner children who simply need to be acknowledged, heard, and loved.

Use Inner Child Healing as a Pathway to Meditation

I spent 20 years searching for a meditation method that truly resonated with me.
What shifted everything was learning to love and let go of my inner emotional experiences. This became my doorway to meditation and has been transformative for many of my clients.

I’d love to hear how it works for you!

Plus, our advanced resource below includes a wonderful 10-minute guided audio meditation by Eric, which is perfect for reconnecting with your childlike innocence and inner power.

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A Sacred Inner Child Workout 💪 Expanding into Meditation Easily Through Inner Child Love

Just think about holding a baby in your arms. So much love. So much stillness, sweetness and innocence. It’s almost a meditation JUST holding a baby.

Let’s learn how to include your inner baby as a beautiful springboard into a peaceful, practical and powerful meditation practice.

  1. Slow down. Find a safe quiet space. Put on Do Not Disturb. Close your eyes.
  2. Ask for the Highest Good for your experience.
  3. Imagine, that now is the perfect time, to pick up and love, any big fears and feelings you’ve had over the last week or month. Just let one moment when you were deeply challenged within come into your consciousness.
  4. Feel that fear, that feeling, that energy. Can you feel that experience so fully, that you’re aware of the energy inside your body. Is it in your chest, or your stomach? Is it tight, or sinking, or frenetic? No matter what it is, relate to this energy as if it’s a small child. It’s your inner child.
  5. Embrace, welcome, and sacredly hold your inner child with as much sweetness and acceptance as you can. You can use your divine imagination to support you with this if you like, by seeing your infant self, in your arms.
  6. Allow your inner child to be, just as they are. Your job now is to be the one that holds, loves and listens, as you simply allow whatever fears, feelings, thoughts and energies to be experienced by this inner child in your arms. Your job is simply to hold, to love and to listen.
  7. As you’re moved, hold, listen and love YOUR inner child YOUR way. You may experience this embrace is all your child needs. You may be moved to share words and loving kind support with your child. You may rock your baby and say: I love you, I love you, I love you. I see you. I hear you. I love you. Trust however you’re moved. Just as a Mother doesn’t need a guidebook for loving their child, you don’t either. Trust your huge heart within.
  8. Continue this process of holding, listening and loving your inner child, until you feel a greater sense of stillness and completion within you. As you continue to love your child within, you may experience yourself expanding into a deep and overwhelming sense of Love.
  9. When you feel ready, complete with your child. And move your focus from holding your inner child, to simply being present, breathing consciously, and letting go.
  10. Use a mantra if that’s supportive to you. Follow the meditation practice that works for you. [I use Soul Awareness if you’re looking for a recommendation.]
  11. Enjoy the profound peace, presence and Inner Power that is YOU.

Love YourSelf...Love Your Life

Transformational Life Coaching grounded in Spiritual Psychology & Relational Neuroscience

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