Life is Designed to Break Us ❤️🩹
I know that sounds harsh. I know…

Ellie has broken my heart, just a little bit more than it was before. And the result it is now MORE OPEN, and more tender, and more connected to the bigness and beauty of life.
Our heartbreaks do not hurt us. They awaken us to the fragile and fundamental purpose of our existence.

Prayer and Science 🔬
While scientists continue to argue about whether prayer can directly influence real-world events, research indicates that engaging in prayer can have positive psychological effects on the individuals who practice it. [1] [2]
Prayer can help reduce feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and fear, bringing calmness, control, and social support for better mental and emotional well-being. [1] Studies show that praying in groups may lower depression, boost optimism, and can promote and reduce anger. [2] [3]
It’s also clear that there is NO RIGHT way to pray.
So today we’re going to get radical and really out of the box, and discover how we can pray, our way.
A Magic Monday Workout 🪄 Allowing a Prayer that Works for YOU
- What works best for you?! Heart-storm your ideas… Consider these to get started.
- Gratitude (thank you is a complete prayer)
- Chatting with your ancestors
- Reading Poetry
- Writing Poetry
- Listening to Music
- Prancing
- Dancing
- Sending Light & Prayer to people and situations
- Writing to the Universe, asking for what you would be so grateful to receive
- How can you use what works for you – and turn it into your own unique way to pray in the mornings?!
- Maybe you LOVE gratitude and dancing… so you dance to a song you love while focusing on feeling grateful and radiating that out to the world.
- Maybe you love reading poetry and writing to the universe, so you read and get inspired, before then writing a quick letter to ‘God / Universe’ whatever word works for you.
- Do it this morning, and see what happens?! Be open to incorporating it into your daily morning routine!!!