You can learn a lot about a dog's emotions simply by observing their posture.
Interestingly, the way we hold our bodies can also influence our own feelings.
A study led by Harvard Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy gained significant attention due to its simplicity and the powerful insights it offers. [1]

Stand Tall in Life: Insights from Amy Cuddy
If you're seeking to boost your sense of empowerment, try spending a few moments in a power pose. [1]
Power Poses enable us to reconnect with ourselves as well as with the essence of those we cherish and the experiences we encounter.
Your Inner Power Workout 💪
Using Power Poses for Inner Connection and Presence
- Think of the happiest moment from your life, in the last 5 years.
- Now feel it. Be there. Remember it. And relive it completely as if it were right now.
- Pay attention to the position of your body, your face, your energy. Is your mouth smiling? Are your shoulders relaxed and lowered? Is your chest opening and expanding? Is your chin slightly raised, as you bask in the glow of this moment? Does your whole body feel as if it can relax and open, into the sweetness and happiness that’s right now?
- No matter what that pose is for you... adopt it, enjoy it, and hold it for a couple of minutes?
- How do you feel? Let this moment guide you in power of this for you.
See if adopting a pose of genuine happiness supports you in creating a happier day?!?!?!?!
It's Incredibly Simple Yet Remarkably Effective
As you know, I'm passionate about deep healing work. However, I'm also here to share straightforward keys and coaching techniques that truly make a difference!
Before a crucial meeting or event, consider doing a power pose. You might be amazed at how much our body language can impact our mental, emotional, and energetic states!
With love,
Dr. Zoë and Fenix xoxo